Chapter Thirty Nine

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Chapter Thirty Nine

"Well, Emma Charleston, I'm in love with you."

It's safe to say I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

He couldn't have just said that.

Those words didn't just come out of his mouth, did they?

What the hell was going on?

Was I hallucinating?

My face was a look of pure shock, my eyes wider than someone on heroin and my mouth dropped open. My breathing was shallow and I was panting slightly, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

Niall was still holding my hands and he was squeezing my fingers slightly, probably worried about my reaction. But I couldn't bring myself to put him out of his misery just yet, I needed a minute.

The words continued to echo through my brain. Those words... they were the best words I would ever hear in my entire life.

"Ems, I like you more than a friend. When I say I love you, I mean... Well, Emma Charleston, I'm in love with you."

He's in love with me? He's fucking in love with me? With me? With Emma, me? HOLY FUCKING SHIT.

I gasped for breath a bit more, before focusing on his face. And then I felt terrible, because he looked so worried like he'd just admitted to committing a murder and here I was, saying nothing. I just couldn't believe it, this is what I had wanted to say to him all along and now he was saying it to me? It was honestly the best, and totally most astounding, moment of my life.

I looked up at his terrified expression. My eyes searched his face one more time, but I found no lies in his eyes. So I let a smile take over my face. The happiest smile of my entire life.

"You..." I whispered, grinning so big I thought my face my crack in two. Niall still looked wary, but not as troubled as before. "Niall, I love you too. I mean, I'm in love with you, too. I mean... Oh my god! This.... this can't be happening! I am in love with you, Niall. I have been for so long."

For a second Niall looked like he didn't believe me, but he must have seen the sincerity in my face because then he broke out into a smile so bright I remember thinking he was pretty good competition for the sun.

"Niall, I love you." I repeated again, so fucking ecstatic I could finally say it and he knew that I really meant it. I let out a hysterical little giggle. "Oh my god! Jesus Christ, Niall! I can't believe you said it first!"

"What do you mean, first?" His grin was still so big his cheeks must have been beginning to ache.

"I've wanted to tell you that for so long... But I was too scared you'd reject me." I admitted sheepishly.

"What?!" Niall's mouth dropped open to form an 'o' shape. "For fuck's sake, I thought exactly the same thing! Do you know how much I have been stressing about this?"

"Do you know how much I have been stressing about this?" I countered and we both started laughing.

Suddenly Niall pushed up on his knees and threw himself at me. I landed on my back on the mattress, the Irish boy on top of me, his arms around my waist, his face buried in my neck. We stayed like that for a few minutes, both of us letting the revelation sink in. I didn't think it would ever completely sink in, though. It was like a fairytale; the best fairtytale ever told. I couldn't believe he loved me. HE LOVED ME! It was surreal, it was unbelievable, it was incredible.

"Say it again," I whispered into Niall's hair. I felt him grin into my neck.

"I love you." He mumbled and the words sent a shiver down my spine.

"Fucking hell," I muttered and I closed my eyes in pure euphoria. The elation I felt was enough to send me flying away like a balloon.

Niall then hoisted himself up so his body was no longer pressing down completely on mine. Our faces were only inches away from each other. I grinned up at the boy I loved. His perfect face smiled down at me and I thought I might pass out from the happiness I felt.

"I love you, Ni." I whispered as we slowly began to close the distance between us.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry; the moment I had waited for for so long was here. It was finally going to happen. We were finally, after all this time, going to have our first, perfect -

And just as our lips were close enough to brush, the door swung open and Niall and I both snapped our heads round to send the ultimate glare to the person who had interrupted our perfect fairy tale moment.

Of course it was Louis goddamn Tomlinson. Moment ruiner of the year

"Louis, fuck off!" Niall snarled. "I'm not joking this time."

Louis just grinned smugly at our position on the bed, the situation obvious. He winked at me but I just glared at him.

"Sorry, no can do. Emergency meeting downstairs, I've been sent to get you." He grinned cruelly, knowing that this was killing us.

"You must be fucking with me." Niall sighed, before turning his face back to me. I looked up at him, at the boy I loved. He rested his forehead against mine and I could see Louis turn to face the door as if he was intruding on some big intimate moment. Which he kind of was.

I closed my eyes and just let the feeling of being this close to Niall wash over me. I still wasn't sure if I wasn't dreaming or something.

"I'm sorry," Niall whispered and it was so so so so tempting to tilt my mouth up and kiss him but I couldn't let our first kiss be rushed.

"Go," I demanded quietly, pressing my forehead harder against his before pushing him gently off me.

"You're coming with me." Niall stated as he stood up, as if it were the most obvious thing. And I wasn't going to pass up time with him. I grinned and rolled off the mattress, Niall catching me when I stumbled and almost fell over.

"Oops," I giggled when his strong arms gripped mine to steady me.

"God, I love you." He whispered huskily into my ear and oh my god that did things to me that it shouldn't have.

"Jesus Christ, lovebirds, hurry it up." Louis rolled his eyes from where he was stood in the doorway. I gave him a sickeningly sweet smile, not caring about anything other than the fact that NIALL LOVED ME.

Niall intertwined his fingers with mine and I looked down at them as we walked along the corridor. We had held hands many times before, but this felt different. Maybe it was the way before we just grabbed each other's hands whereas now our fingers were tangled together like they never wanted to let go. Or maybe it was the life-changing confessions we had just admitted to. Either way, it was perfect.


The meeting was something do with the band's promotional ideas or something. I don't even know. I wasn't listening, and I don't think Niall really was either. I played with his fingers under the conference table, smiling the whole time. Niall would occasionally free his hand from mine to rub circles into my thigh and drive me completely crazy. I would blush and he would glance at my face and chuckle silently. Harry mouthed 'you're welcome' to me but I just rolled my eyes at him.

After the meeting was finally over, I stayed clinging to Niall's hand as we went to lunch. I made sure I took the seat next to him and we didn't untangle our fingers until it was definitely necessary. I didn't really join in with the conversation, still in a bit of a daze about what had just happened.

Straight after lunch, the boys went to practice with Helene and Niall seemed adamant that I would not leave his side so I went to sit in the corner of the room whilst they sang. Their voices were so perfect together, the harmonies beautiful. But I could not take my eyes off Niall. The look on his face when he was concentrating was so endearing I wanted to wrap him up in bubblewrap to make sure no one could ever harm him. He kept sending me shy glances and every time he noticed that I was still looking at him we'd both crack a smile and giggle a little.

"I love you," he mouthed whilst Louis and Zayn were singing and I blushed.

I would never get tired of those words leaving his mouth.



I have been having an absolutely horrible day and then when Wattpad was crashed this morning I just didn't know what to do with myself!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! :D


*chants* NEMMA! NEMMA!

Took long enough didn't it? ;)

Voteeeeee? I would love you forever. Not that I don't already.

- Laura x

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