Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

I was slightly hungover the next morning, but it was nothing a couple of paracetamols couldn't fix. I woke up with a grin on my face, immediately remembering my conversation with Niall. I made pancakes as I danced along to the radio, shaking my butt to Christina Aguilera.

"Mornin' kiddo," my dad said, walking into the kitchen in his plaid pyjamas. "You look happy." I grinned at him in reply and slid a pancake onto his plate. When I sat down with him at the table, he put down his fork and looked at me seriously. "Look Emma, you may think your mum and I haven't noticed because we're gone alot, but we do know you've been down the last few weeks." I gulped nervously as he continued. "You know you can tell us anything. What's wrong? Is it drugs? Are you pregnant?"

I choked on my pancake before taking a massive gulp of water. "Dad, oh my god, no!" I laughed then, and didn't stop for the next few minutes. It was absurd that he thought I was pregnant. As if!

My laughter died down when I saw the concerned look still on my dad's face. "Look dad, I'm fine." I said to reassure him. "I fell out with a friend, but now we're good so it's nothing to worry about."

The marimba ringtone started playing from my phone and O grabbed it, rushing out of the kitchen.

"What about your pancake?" My dad yelled as I answered the phonecall.

"It's all yours!" I yelled back as I lifted the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Did I hear pancake?" Niall said.

"Morning to you to, Ni." I laughed. That boy was always hungry I swear.

"How are ya this mornin, Ems?" He said happily. It was so much nicer hearing him actually say this to me, instead of reading it off a screen.

"Bit hungover," I admitted. "I've got so much to tell you from the past few weeks, Niall!"

"Okay but first, just hear me out okay?" He said and I sighed.

"Ni, I know you're about to explain about why we stopped talking but really, you don't have to. At least, not today."


"Please Ni, for today let's just forget, okay?" I pleaded.

"Yeah, okay." He grudgingly accepted.

We talked on the phone for two and a half hours. Yes, that was a long phonebill (don't tell my dad). I was so used to knowing everything that he was up to that since we hadnt talked for five weeks I had so much to catch up on. I hadn't even known he was back in London. In return, he pestered me about everything going on in my life. To be honest, compared to his popstar lifestyle there wasn't much to tell.

"Oh my god!" He suddenly exclaimed.

"What?" I chuckled at his excitement.

"We should Skype! Why have we never done this before?!"

I hesitated even though seeing his face and talking to him would be a dream come true. "I don't know, Ni, I look like shit..."

He chuckled. "I very much doubt that, Ems. But even if you do, even if you look like Shrek, please please please can we Skype?'

I sighed in defeat. "Fine, anything for you, Niall."

"Woop!" He cheered.

Ten minutes later, Skype as set up and the incoming call sound started. My index finger hovered over the accept button before I jabbed it, excitement suddenly clouding my nervous thoughts.

And there it was - the most surreal moment of my life.

There he was. As the pixelated screen suddenly cleared, I could see him as clear as day. The boy I had first obsessed over and more recently, cried over. He sat there, in front of me on the laptop screen.

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