Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"Em? Emma!" My mother's shrill voice stunned me awake.

"Yeeeeeah?" I mumbled quietly, rubbing my eyes.

"Tea's almost ready so get up, and your phones been going crazy, too." She walked out of the room and I flipped her off behind her back. I loved her but she could be so annoying.

I threw my legs over the side of the bed to check my phone, hoping with all my might that it was the blonde haired boy I craved. Turned out it was a boy, but this one was a brunette. I suddenly felt guilty again, for being disappointed when I saw one of my best friend's name on the screen.

"Hey Benji, what's up?" I said into the phone. He had called me four times.

"Where were you this afternoon, Miss Charleston?" He said playfully.

"I was sick."

"Boo you whore," he chuckled, causing me to laugh loudly.

"Ben you really shouldn't be able to quote Mean Girls," I said, still giggling.

"Shut up. Anyway, I thought we were going to play badminton tonight?"

I groaned mentally. I was really too tired, but I had promised.

"Oh yeah sorry, I forgot. Meet you at the leisure centre at eight?"

"Perfecto Charleston! See you then."

I hung up the phone and threw it down on my bed, but on second thoughts I grabbed it again and took it downstairs with me, sitting at the kitchen table with my bad and setting my phone next to my fork.

"Hey kiddo, how was school?" My dad asked, sat opposite me.

Before I had chance to reply, my mum walked in and glared at my phone.

"Uh-uh. Emma you know the rule- no phones at the table."

"But mum it's import-"

"Nope. Put it away." She said sternly, putting a plate of spag bol in front of me. I glared at her but did what she said, putting my phone in the living room.

My parents chatted about work and their friends whilst I pushed the spaghetti round with my fork. Those energy drinks had left me feeling quite queasy.

When I heard my phone chime, I looked up at my mum eagerly.

"Mum, I'm done. Can I leave the table?" I asked, trying the puppy dog eyes technique.

"No, wait for your father and I to finish." She said, before carrying on telling my dad something about how to talk to whales. I sighed audibly, I didn't give a shit about whale talking!

Finally, after a billion gazillion years, they were finished. I sprinted Usain Bolt style into the living room, unlocking my phone and grinning. I had three messages from Niall. 

'Haha I know you're joking ! Sorry I was in a meeting'


'Givin me the silent treatment now eh?'

I laughed looking down at the phone. He sounded as desperate to hear from me as I was to him.

'Sorry Niall I'm not ignoring you, I was in a meeting too! With Mr Spaghetti Bolognese, in his office in my kitchen.'

I left my phone downstairs as I raced to my room to change as I threw on a black tanktop and my gym shorts.

Niall's GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon