Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

I spent the day cleaning the house and luckily Soph stuck around to help. Niall texted me a couple of times, nothing big, just completely random and irrelevant things, which made me smile nevertheless.

"So, what's going on with you and mystery boy?" Sophie asked as we collapsed on the sofas, after having cleaned up way too many empty beer bottles than there should've been from only six people.

"Nothing." I replied honestly, because there wasn't - at least not in the way she thought.

"Maybe you should go out on a date or something, forget about him then." She suggested and I knew she was only trying to be kind, but she was an idiot.

"No!" I exclaimed, horrified. "I mean, well.... Mystery boy and I are just friends, best friends even, but I'm not interested in anyone else."

"Emma..." Sophie warned. "If you like him more than he likes you you're just going to get hurt."

I was offended that she thought a boy wouldn't like me as much as I liked him, until I remembered: oh yeah, she was right. "You know people say it's worse to be friends with the person you love than not be with them at all?" I asked and Sophie nodded. "Well, they're wrong. It's harder, sure. But worse? No way. I'd much rather be friends with him than not speak to him at all. I've tried that and it didn't exactly go down well."

"It won't help you get over your feelings, though." Sophie said and I sighed. I knew she was right, but to be honest I didn't think I would ever get over my feelings for Niall. Even when he and I got married to other people, my feelings would never disappear, I thought. They had been there from the very beginning, before I had even known him, and now I knew how amazing he actually was, my feelings might as well have been superglued to my chest because they would not budge one inch.


Niall headed off back to finish the European leg of the tour that next Monday and I headed back to school. Only a week had gone by since the London trip, and I couldn't believe how many things had happened in only seven days: meeting Niall for the first time, getting hit by a car, Niall coming over to my house, a drunken party in which I decided it would be a great idea to slit my own hand open.

It felt weird thinking I had only actually met Niall on two separate occasions. I was as close to him as I was with Ben, who I saw every day. We spoke on the phone almost every day, though, and if not we would always be texting. I wondered where he got the time; I mean I was just in school so it was easy to hide my phone under the table, but he was an international popstar on a world tour, surely he should have been too busy or important to text little Emma Charleston. Turns out he wasn't, and I certainly was not complaining.

The rest of March was dull. My parents came home after two days after the party, turns out my mother lost her phone in a nightclub. Now that's what you call irresponsible parenting. Also, a nightclub? At forty five years old? Not cool, mum.

School was dull as ever, but I tried to make the most of it since it would be the last six months with my friends before we all went off to different universities around the country. As much as Benjamin annoyed me, I couldn't imagine life without his witty little comments and offensive remarks. I would definitely miss him the most. Not that I told him that, he ego was bloody massive as it was.

The Easter holidays were in April and arrived quickly. I went on the skiing trip with school for four days to Courchevel. I won't go into many details, but it was full of skiing (obviously) and late nights of sneaking out of the hotel with Benjamin to go down to the local bar. We made friends with the locals and became quite well known the three nights we were there. I'm embarrassed to tell you why so let's just skip over our drunken antics.

I ate so much chocolate over Easter, most days I felt too fat to get out of bed. I skyped Niall on Easter Sunday and it felt like he was there at home with me, we just sat staring at each other on our laptop screens, not saying much whilst literally stuffing our faces with Easter eggs. Ben had got me a One Direction one, which had Niall laughing hysterically before he took a screenshot and saved it as his background. I tried not to overthink that too much, in fear that I would freak out and lose it. Because I, Emma Charleston, was Niall Horan's lock screen photo. And not a good photo at that - I was holding up the Easter egg box pointing at Niall's face, grinning like a maniac with chocolate smeared all over my face and my hair all matted and sitting on the top of my head like a melon. Attractive, right?


I spoke to Louis again on the phone one day after he stole it from Niall. I thanked him for helping with the plan to sneak me out of the theatre when I met Niall in London, but somehow it ended up in a mock argument because he said the only way I could properly thank him was to say:

'Oh, Louis Tomlinson, you are so amazing. You are not only so terribly attractive but your wits and cunning plan has shown you would also make a brilliant secret agent. You are the best.'

And there was no way I was saying that, even when he was one fifth of the boyband I obsessed over.

He refused to pass the phone back to Niall even when I could hear the Irish boy yelling at him in the background. And then, just before he hung up, he said something confusing.

"Fine, I'll just make you say it when we're in America."

"It doesn't matter where you are, I still won't say it doofus." I shot back, giggling manically in my brain because I was talking to Louis Tomlinson and I just called him a lame name!

"No, I mean I'll make you say it when I see you." He retorted.

"You're going to see me?" I asked, shocked. "What, when?"

But Louis was suddenly too busy to answer. "Ooh, look at that, got to go! Niall will call you soon, Emma. Bye!" And he hung up the phone.

I was not convinced. I mean, Louis was a great actor in the Best Song Ever video, but his 'look at that, got to go!' seemed like his acting abilities had shrunk back to the iCarly days. Like I said, I was not convinced. What did he mean, when he saw me? I wasn't even planning on seeing Niall any time soon, so why would I see Louis?

For once, I didn't overthink it. I almost forgot about his words until a few weeks later, when I finally found out what he meant.


This was a filler chapter, sorrryyyyyy:) I just felt like I had to tie things up and explain what happened in the time between the last chapter and the next one!

What do you think Louis meant? ;)

Comment and vote or whatever! I'll try and keep updating every day, but life's a bit shit at the moment so it might be difficult. I'll do my best!

-Laura x

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