Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty Six

The concert that night... Oh my holy Jesus. I can't even explain to you. I was like a poodle on cocaine - I jumped around backstage manically, ignoring the amused glances of the crew.

Everytime Niall sang... It was the most amazing thing. Warmth built up in my stomach and it was so overwhelming I wanted to cry. I was just so proud of him I didn't know what to do with myself. That smiling blonde boy made me so damn happy and every time he jumped around on the stage like a friggin' kangaroo I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face. He was such a doofus, but a perfect doofus.

There was one moment, though, which stood out more than any moment in my entire life.

It was during Little Things, of course, so I was already bawling. I was stood, swaying at the side of the stage. And just before Niall's solo, he looked over from where he was sat and he winked at me, before giving me the cutest, more genuine smile I had ever seen.

As our eyes met, the whole world seemed to stop. I didn't even smile back; my face was frozen, my mouth hanging slightly open.

And then the moment was over, and Niall looked away, grinning into the crowd as he started to sing.

And I'm not sure if I was just being dramatic, but I was suddenly so overwhelmed that my legs literally just became jelly and I collapsed, plopping down on the floor. I was breathing heavily, but still didn't take my eyes off the Irish boy on the stage.

I was so in love.


When the boys came bounding off the stage, laughing and patting each others' backs, I backed away thinking Niall might want a minute.

I was mistaken, though, and as soon as he had finished messing Harry's hair up he spotted me and leaped over, enveloping me in a massive hug. I hugged back, wrapping my arms around his slim waist even though he was all hot and sweaty.

"Good show, wasn't it?" He grinned, pulling back.

"Amazing," I grinned, poking his nose. "You were brilliant." Niall blushed, and it baffled me how he didn't know it even though he should be able to tell from the thousands of fans screaming his name every night. Just one more thing I loved about him.

Whilst the boys got changed, I grasped the opportunity to ring my best friend.

"Hey babycakes!" Ben's familiar voice made me smile; I missed him even though I'd only been away a few days.

"Benjiiiii!" I hollered loudly, it echoing down the corridor.

"How are you? What you up to? I saw a photo on the Internet with lover boy but you couldn't see your face so don't worry."

I groaned. "Ugh, the paps are going to be the death of me, Ben. They're so fucking scary!"

My best friend just chuckled. "How insane is it that you're dealing with paparazzi? My little Emma's growing up!"

"Oh shut up! Anyway, how's Matilda?" I asked, changing the subject because I needed to talk about some kind of normality for a minute.

"Uh..." Was all I got from Ben.

"Ben? What happened with Matilda?" I barked sternly.

"We broke up. Remember Maddie? Well there's a rumour going round that I slept with her whilst I was going out with Matilda. Which obviously didn't happen! I love her!" Ben sounded really upset, which was something rare.

"Oh my god! Ben I'm so sorry! I wish I was at home with you... I shouldn't be away right now. Shit, I feel terrible." I frowned. Benjamin had had many break ups, but Matilda was really the first girl he cared about. And she was perfect - kind and funny and could control him and put him in his place when she needed to.

"It's fine Em, I'll get her back." He sounded determined, which made me feel better. "Hey, you're my best friend so I know right now you're thinking about coming home early." I smiled sadly. "But don't you dare come home for me, you're having the best time of your life, right?"

"Well yeah..." I admitted. I was so annoyed with myself that the one time Benjamin needed me I wasn't there.

"Okay well, enjoy yourself! I'm going to go, footy practice in five. Talk to you soon? Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Ben said, sounding more upbeat.

"There's nothing you wouldn't do," I joked and Ben laughed. After a few more goodbyes, he hung up. I stared down at my phone for a second, hoping that he really was okay and wasn't just pretending for my sake.

"Everything okay?" Niall's hands appeared on my shoulders.

"Ben and Matilda broke up," I said, turning around.

Niall looked surprised. "Really? I thought they were like the perfect couple or something?"

"Yeah so did I..." I muttered.

"Who's the perfect couple?" Harry smirked, walking towards us. I blushed because even though his question sounded innocent, I knew it wasn't.

"Emma's friend," Niall replied before taking my hand and grabbing my hand to pull me along the corridor. We walked to the parked van, Harry trailing behind us and the rest of the boys already inside.

"Good show, boys!" Louis shouted as we were driving back to the hotel. The others cheered and clapped and high fived. I sat next to the window, watching the bright lights of the city rush past.

When we reached the hotel, there were still fans though not that many. After looking at it from another perspective, I had realised that really these girls were just girls exactly like me - teenagers, normal, desperate to meet their idols. They were nothing to be frightened of. The thing that did terrify me? The intimidating adults stood near the hotel door with large cameras that were flashing before the van doors even opened.

"No stopping for autographs!" Paul yelled over the screams, sticking his head in the van. "Let's go!"

Everyone rushed to get out of the van and in the bustle I got pushed to the side, back onto one of the seats. The boys had all gotten off and it was just me left. I started to panic, my breathing got faster and I started to worry because there was no way I was going out there in front of all of those people alone. Just as I was contemplating jumping out the window, my saviour arrived.

Niall's blonde head peered back in the door. "Em, what's wrong? Aren't you coming?"

I didn't even bother replying, I just threw myself at him and he took my hand in his, rushing past the cheering fans. When we were in the safety of the hotel reception, I let myself relax into Niall's arms.

"I thought you'd left," I muttered, my face smushed in his chest.

"I'd never leave without you." Niall's voice sounded so serious I had to pull backwards so I could look at his face. He had a small smile on his face but his eyes had a 'no bullshit' look in them so I knew he wasn't joking.

"Love you, Ni." I said, leaning my forehead against his chest again.

"Love you too, Ems." Niall said and even though we had said it so many times and even though I knew it didn't mean the same to him as it did to me, it never failed to send my heart into a beating frenzy.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'm not sure how much I liked it.

HOWEVER, in the next five chapters BIG THINGS ARE GOING TO HAPPEN!

get excited!;)

Love you!

-Laura xo

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