Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

My present, or should I say presents, arrived the next day in the post. I texted Niall (yes I was allowed to text him now hehehehe) because he said he wanted me to open them on Skype but he replied saying that he was busy in soundcheck and I should open them anyway.

I opened the parcel carefully, first pulling out a small white box. I stroked the soft fabric, savouring this moment - the moment that Niall, my Niall, sent me a birthday present. I flipped open the box; I was strangely nervous. Inside, lay a beautiful pandora ring. It was sterling silver made up of hearts alternating upside down and the right way up. I slipped it on the middle finger of my left hand - a perfect fit. I stared down at it on my hand and suddenly I felt pathetic because my eyes started to prickle with tears because it was so beautiful and I couldn't believe Niall had picked it out for me.

However, the second present beat it.

Attached to a small package wrapped in tissue paper was a small note written on a post it note. I could tell it was Niall's handwriting straight away, even though he hadn't signed his name.

"Ems, one of the first things you said to me was that rhinos were your favourite animals because they're like real life unicorns. I knew from that moment that you were weird, but also that I liked you. Happy birthday xx'

I definitely didn't stare at the note longer than was necessary. And I definitely didn't trail my fingers over the words that made my heart soar. And I most definitely didn't slide the note under my pillow for safe keeping.

Slowly, I unwrapped the paper, careful not to rip it. Normally I mocked those prudish people who smoothed out the wrapping paper for further use; on Christmas morning our living room looked like Santa's grotto had exploded. But this felt different. I knew it was special before I had even opened it.

When I finally peeled off the last of the tape, I was glad that Niall wasn't on Skype to see my awe-filled face. I picked up the tiny model of a rhino, immense detail carved into the smooth brown wood. It sounds like a boring, if not slightly odd, present. But to me, it was the most precious thing I had ever owned. I think it was the thought more than anything. The idea that Niall had walked past a shop or a little stall and seen the tiny model and thought of me, remembering the time I told him such an insignificant detail that he had held onto all this time.

I placed the rhino, I named him Bert, on my bedside table next to where I put my phone at night. This meant I would be reminded of Niall first thing in the morning, and last thing at night. Not that I wasn't already.

I texted Niall to thank him instead of calling, knowing that he'd be busy at the arena.

'Niall Horan I am so glad you didn't get me a crappy nandos voucher for my birthday. Thankyou so much for my presents, I love them so much, Bert especially! The ring's gorgeous and it fits perfectly. Did you come over and measure my finger whilst I was sleeping? Thankyou thankyou thankyou!xxxx'

His reply came so quickly I almost wished I'd called.

'Emma Charleston you are very welcome! And yes, of course I came over whilst you were sleeping and measured your finger (I asked lou what size to get) xxxx'

I grinned at his message before thinking that phew, at least his birthday wasn't for a few months so I could think up a really good present.

But then, the feeling came back. The feeling that I liked Niall as more than a friend that I had desperately been trying to crush.

"Stupid teenage girl hormones," I said, blaming it on my age and my body. I was desperately trying to keep things exactly as they were because they were perfect, and I knew that if I complicated things by letting my emotions take control, it would ruin me and Niall's friendship.

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