Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

There's not too much to tell you about the next two months. I would hear from Niall once every few days. I looked forward to his messages as if they were water in the desert.

By the time November rolled around, Niall knew everything about me. He would ask me about my school teachers, what was new with Sophie and Eric these days, how Ben was coping with his break up with Maddie (he was fine, by the way- he had been the one doing the dumping). In return, I knew pretty much everything about him. I would listen to him rant about the most amazing beans on toast he ate last night and listen to him ramble about his favourite countries he had visited.

My friends seemed to understand that if I got a message from 'Mystery Boy' as they called him, they may as well leave because I could not be distracted from him. Ben teased me relentlessly, but still I would not tell him who it was.

I guess it was kind of an unspoken rule between Niall and I that I hadn't told anyone about our friendship. I had stopped tweeting alot aswell; I still kept up with the craziness of the fandom but most of the time I didn't need the update accounts when Niall would tell me what he was up to anyway.

I felt inexplicably close to him. It was crazy, I know. We had never met, we had never even spoken on the phone. He didn't even know what I looked like, which is what he brought up one November evening as I was sat in the kitchen waiting for my pasta to boil.

'Ems, send me a selfie?;)'

I scoffed at his message as I stirred the pan.

'Fuck off Ni'

I don't know what it was, but I didn't really want him to know what I looked like. In the back of my mind, I knew it was just because I was insecure. I thought that when he saw that I was no kind of supermodel, he'd think I was ugly or something. A voice in my head told me I was being ridiculous - Niall wasn't that self centred and I knew that. But I was still determined to keep my face a blank to him.

'Aw come onnnnnnn you know what I look like so it's only fair !'

'Nope! You'll just have to imagine!'

'Yeah yeah you've said that before:( brown hair, blue eyes. That's all ya gunna give me?'

'Yes, now don't you have some popstar duties to fill out instead of pestering me?;)'

'Fine fine! Should be able to speak to you tomorrow. I'll get a photo one day! X'

I stared at the message. Was that... Yes it was. It was a kiss. The first kiss to be exchanged between us. I smiled at the phone screen, typing:
'Good luck tonight Ni x'

However, as I sat eating my dinner at the table alone, (my parents were out with some friends again or something) my phone said another message from Niall had been received. I expected a lame joke, he sometimes sent me them if he'd just heard a good one.

'Hello, is this Emma Charleston?'

I frowned down at the phone. Recently he started conversations with 'WHADDUPP' whilst I would say 'WEYHEY WHAT'S THE CRAIC!' just to tease him.


I typed hesitantly, pressing the send button.

'No, this isn't Niall! This is his friends. We just wanted to say hi, he's always talking about you.'

My mouth gaped open like a fish. He was always talking about me?! What did that mean? I mean sure, we were friends, but to be honest I always thought he meant more to me than I did to him.

'Oh okay, hi :)'

'So Emma sjlwoij akaoqo'

I laughed. What was that supposed to mean? Before I could ask exactly that, another message came through.

'Sorry Em, that was Harry and Louis messin around ! They grabbed my phone !'

I knew it was Niall the moment I saw the nickname.

'Haha I was confused! So you're always talking about me, huh?;)'

I tried to breathe calmly even though my mind was screaming at me 'YOU JUST TALKED TO HARRY STYLES AND LOUIS TOMLINSON!'

'Nah, they were exaggerating'

I laughed giddily.

'Sure sure whatever you say Niall;)'

'Fine, but I only talk about you when you say something funny'

'Which is all the time then ;)'

'Gettin cocky there Ems ;)'

I chuckled at the phone before locking it. My pasta was cold now, damn you One Direction boys.


Niall mentioned wanting to know what I looked like more than ever the next few days after my Larry encounter. I was sat on Sophie's bed as she made popcorn one Saturday night when a message from Niall popped up.


'What the hell are talking about, leprechaun?'

'Leprechaun? Hahaha ! But a photo of you, that's what I got !'

I stared in horror at my phone.

'What? How?'

Sophie walked in then. Her most recent split from Eric was on her mind and I was supposed to be cheering her up.

"No!" Soph said, snatching my phone from my hands. "No mystery boy tonight, I need you all to myself."

"Bu-bu-but-" I rambled but she shook her head firmly, placing my phone next to her on her bedside table, out of my reach.

The first time it dinged indicating a new message, Sophie just grinned at me evilly. But by the time it had gone off more times than we could count, she gave in.

"God this boy is needy! Here, take your damn phone!" She passed it to me, turning the sound of the television up as she concentrated on it.

'I looked through your photos on twitter' the first message said and my face paled. Oooh shit. I scrolled down to the others he had sent.

'There wasnt any of the selfies I was hoping for'

He had seemed to accept that I hadn't been replying and just carried on.

'But I found a nice little photo of you on holiday and I'm guessing the boy's your brother Jonny'

I never put close ups of myself on my on my profile because I didn't want people from school to find my twitter. There was just that one photo from the family holiday in Italy that summer, with Jonny and I stood on a beach.

'I had to zoom in a little, but then I could see you clear as rain'

'Nice bikini ;)'



He must have taken the fact that I wasn't replying to mean that I was angry or upset.

'Look Ems I'm sorry. I shouldn't have looked if you didn't want me to see'

'Emmaaaaa please talk to me'

'Im sorry :('

The embarrassment that he'd found a photo of me in nothing but my swim suit died down as I read his apologies.

'Shut up Ni, I'm not angry! Sophie took my phone, said she wanted me all to herself tonight. I'm not upset don't worry, although I'll admit I'm pretty embarrassed I'm wearing next to nothing'

'Phew ! Jesus I thought for a minute you were never goin to talk to me again !'

'Drama queen ;)'

'No but seriously I am sorry. I shouldn't have poked around, I was just curious'

'Its okay, you're forgiven Nialler'

'But don't be embarrassed Em, you look hot ;)'

I cringed at his words. Yes, I was slim and I could wear a bikini without being mistaken for a beached whale, but I still wished I had more clothes on the first time he saw what I looked like.

'Ew shut up'

'Hot hot hot hot hot'



'Im going now, don't bring this up again-_-'

I logged out of twitter to find Sophie staring at me, an amused expression on her face.

"What?" I asked hesitantly.

"What did mystery boy do to make your face as tomato red as it is?" She grinned knowingly.

"Nothing..." I mumbled

Sophie just smirked. "He was sexting you, wasn't he?"

I blushed furiously. "N-no!" I choked out. The thought of Niall and I.. I shivered, half creeped out, half turned on. It was weird to think of him that way now we were so close.

"So am I ever going to get to meet him?" She asked, lying down on her side on the bed and I mirrored her position, facing her.

"I don't know," I replied honestly.

"Do I know him? I know, I know, you won't tell me who he is!" She said quickly, before I could interrupt her. "But would I know who you were talking about if you said his name?"

I thought about it carefully.

"Probably," I admitted, not wanting to give much away but not wanting to lie to my best friend. It's not like she would guess that I was friends with a famous popstar after all.

She decided to drop it after that, sensing that I wasn't going to give away any more. I was more protective over my friendship with Niall now than ever - as sad as it was, talking to him made me happier than I had ever been and it was perfect and I didn't want anything to change, ever. I wasn't ignorant enough to believe that things would stay the same forever, but I was determined to make it happen as long as possible. 

Hello hello! Hope you liked the chapter... You could press that vote button if you'd like to ;)

I'm going to Leeds Fest tomorrow woooooooooooooo! ALSO, I just heard that apparently Zerrie are engaged? That is the cutest thing I have ever heard, they're young but if they want to spend their life together then who's to stop them, AND JUST IMAGINE ALL 5 ONE DIRECTION BOYS IN TUXES, IM SWEATING JUST THINKING ABOUT IT OMG

-Laura xo

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