Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

The next skyping session with Niall came a few days later.

"Helloooo?" He said as the webcam focused. I tried not to let my jaw hit the floor - it was still so surreal seeing him there, in front of me, like Niall actual friggin Horan in all his glory on my laptop screen waiting for me to reply. Oh yeah, I'd forgotten to reply.

"Hey Ni!" I said happily, subtly checking him out. His blonde hair was messy and he looked a little tired but he was still perfect. "Where are you?"

"On the tour bus!" He said as he leaned back in what I guessed was his bunk.

"Ooh, showing me where you take all the ladies?" I teased.

He laughed. "'Fraid not, this bunk's had no action." That made me giggle. "What's been going on with you?"

I told him about school a little, my mum and dad's most recent hobby of going to meet up with friends all over the country and not coming home for days, and more importantly, my new bed.

"Wait, what happened to the other one again?" Niall said, and I smiled inwardly at the cute way his eyebrows furrowed when he couldn't remember something.

"It was old and the wooden planks started to crack." I cut him off as he before he could speak. "And no, it's not because I was having too much wild sex, close your mouth, Horan."

He chuckled, his eyes glinting mischievously. "You know me too well."

He was halfway through telling me a story about the most recent time a bra had been thrown on stage at their concert when he turned his face away from where the laptop was resting on his lap.

"No!" He said to the other person, who's voice was muffled so I couldn't hear it clearly. Suddenly, my view of Niall's face jolted before it disappeared from view. I could see someone's socked feet as they ran down the aisle of the tour bus, Niall's laptop webcam tilted to the floor.

"Bring it back!" I heard Niall's recognisable accent shout at my kidnapper.

The laptop was soon settled down on a flat surface, what I presumed was a table, and a face appeared on my screen. Fluffy brown hair, icy blue eyes, cute smile. Louis fucking Tomlinson was skyping me. Holy shit.

"Hi there, you're Emma, right?" He said with a cheeky grin.

My jaw was resting comfortably on the ground.

"Hello?" He repeated, frowning slightly as he clicked something on his screen to check the connection.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered, coming to life. "Sorry, you froze for a second there," I lied easily. Woo, nice save Ems! I did a mental celebratory dance.

"So you're Emma!" Louis said knowingly, still a mischievous grin on his face.

"Yeah, nice to meet you." I smiled at him on the screen, when on the inside I was going mental. I couldn't believe I sounded so calm when Louis Tomlinson was talking to me. Louis Tomlinson!

"Niall talks about you all the - hey!"

I was again looking at the floor before Niall's face came into view. My view was bouncing up and down as he walked back to his bunk.

"Sorry about that," he muttered.

"Hey, I just wanted to talk to her!" I heard Louis shout from behind Niall.

"Fuck off Tomlinson!" Niall yelled back, but he wasn't really angry, more amused.

"She's cute!" I heard Louis shout once more before Niall hoisted his laptop back on to his bunk, jumped up himself and shut the curtain. I blushed a little at Louis' words. I was sat cross-legged on my bed wearing sweats, an old t-shirt with a cartoon yeti on it and my hair was piled up in a messy bun. I had only been expecting to talk to Niall, whom I knew wouldn't care if I looked like shit or not. I didn't expect to suddenly be in the presence of sass master Louis Tomlinson. I definitely would have brushed my hair.

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