Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven

I woke up after a good night's sleep, my legs tangled with Niall's even though we were sleeping on our sides facing away from each other. I reluctantly untangled my legs from the sleeping boy's, knowing I was enjoying it too much. Niall grumbled a little bit when I knocked him accidentally and he rolled over so he was facing me, wrapping his surprisingly strong arms around my waist and pulling my back closer to him.

And, for the second time, I could feel a certain something poking the back of my thigh. My cheeks flushed and I stayed frozen. My dilemma was that if I moved I would certainly jostle Niall and wake him up or brush against his already excited mini-Niall and excite it even more. However, if I didn't move, Niall would wake up with us in this position and it would be oh so very awkward.

I decided it would be best just to move, but before I got the chance, Niall muttered something incomprehensible and I could tell from the change in his breathing that he had woken up. I panicked and shut my eyes tightly, pretending to still be asleep. The still half asleep boy grunted something else before wiggling a little and finally realising our position.

"Shit!" From the way the mattress sprung up I could tell he had rolled off the bed pretty frantically. "Oh shit!" He repeated again. His footsteps padded around the front of the bed and he walked around to my side where I was lying facing the wall. I could suddenly feel eyes boring into me so I kept my breathing as even as possible and willed myself not to crack. Niall must have been satisfied that I was asleep because I heard him walk away, the sound of his sweats being slipped off and then finally the bathroom door closed and I could hear the shower start up.

I breathed a deep sigh of relief and sat up in the bed. I was glad that Niall had thought I was asleep because I didn't want him to be embarrassed about his... situation.

I looked at the time; it was only seven am and we didn't have to be anywhere until later so the boys could play in Mexico for the second night. I turned on the television and sat back, settling on a re-run on Jeremy Kyle USA. Niall emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, clean and dressed.

"Oh hey," he said, surprised I was awake.

"Good morning," I said cheerily, patting the place next to me. He jumped on eagerly and laughed when he saw what I was watching.

"Not this shit again?!"

"Hey, you love it really!" I argued and Niall laughed, agreeing reluctantly.

"Hey, about this morning..." Niall said during the ad break.

"Hm?" I said, feigning confusion. I deserved an Oscar because my acting was on fire that morning!

"Did you... uh, were you awake earlier? I mean, like, before I got up?" He looked so worried, his eyebrows furrowed and his teeth biting down on his bottom lip.

"Nope," I lied smoothly, gicing him a casual shrug. "Any reason?"

He shook his head, a relieved smile appearing on his face before he managed to control it. "Nah, just wonderin'!"

When the episode finished, Niall had ended up lying sideways on the bed, his head in my lap as I sat propped up against the headboard. I hummed under my breath as I ran my hands through his hair absentmindedly. That was until Niall grabbed my hand in his and broke me out of my thoughts.

"You still wear this?" He asked, twirling around the ring on my finger, the one he had gotten me for my birthday.

"Course," I smiled. "I love it, it's beautiful." I paused before admitting, "and well you got me it, so it's special to me."

"It is?" Niall said, sounding surprised as he tilted his head back in my lap so he could see my face. I just nodded and looked down at him, enjoying the smile that took over his face. When we continued to stare at each other, I started to feel awkward. Not because it was awkward between us now, but I knew it would be if a few seconds later, I couldn't control myself and kissed his inviting lips that were only a ruler's length away from my own.

So, in order to prevent that, I did the natural thing.

Which was obviously to reach behind my back, grabbing a pillow and whacking him on the face.

Starting an all-out pillow fight war.

Twenty minutes later, there were feathers all over the room. I was crouched behind the overturned chair, Niall behind the bed.

"Surrender!" I yelled at him, but instead of the defeat I wanted he shouted some sort of war-cry and threw himself at me again. We wresteled on the floor for a while, both getting in some good hits with our pillows.

"Do you give up?" Niall laughed after hitting me in the face four times in a row, causing me to become breathless and need a minute to breathe.

"Never!" I shouted breathlessly, diving onto the bed and taking refuge under the duvet. The mattress bounced a little as Niall climbed in and lay next to me, the sheet pulled over our heads.

"I think we need new pillows," he chuckled, pushing a stray piece of hair out of my eyes. The skin he touched tingled long after he pulled away.

Our snuggling embrace was ruined minutes later when a certain Doncaster boy burst into the room.

"Hey I hope you're not waking up form wild sex!" Louis said, earning a grunt from me as he jumped right on my stomach.

"You're hurting her, piss off Lou!" Niall shouted, pulling the duvet away from our heads and pushing Louis onto the floor.

"No need to get pissy Irish boy," he smirked, getting to his feet. "I actually came here for Emma, Harry wanted to see her."

"Me?" I said at the same time Niall said "Harry?"

"Yep," Louis pushed me towards the door, but Niall followed. "Not you, blondie. Just Emma."

"Why?" Niall frowned, looking half upset, half angry.

"Private meeting. I'll bring her bank safe, don't worry." Louis promise before steering me into the corridor. I gave a quick wave to Niall as the bedroom door shut.

"What's going on?" I said, confused as Louis and I reached Harry's room and he was just lying spread out on his bed.

"Not much," he shrugged.

"Then why did you bring me here?!" I said, exasperated.

Harry sat up in his bed and Louis say beside him. They both wore identically mischievous smirks.

"Yesterday I noticed that Niall was getting rather jealous when he saw you with me, so I thought we should push him a little further." Harry grinned.

"That's mean!" I huffed a little. "And anyway, why would Niall get jealous?"

"God, you're so oblivious..." Louis muttered.

"What was that Tomlinson?" I snapped, annoyed that I could still be snuggled with Niall in bed if he hadn't interrupted.

"Look, this is a good plan." Harry said, trying to reassure me. But I still didn't understand.

"Guys... I'm just confused and I'm tired and I was meant to be spending the morning with Niall. I'm not going to ditch him especially if it'll make him mad." I smiled, so it didn't seem like I was angry. "I'll see you later?" Larry nodded, looking defeated.

I walked quickly back along the corridor to Niall and I's room, where I found him pacing.


His head snapped up at the sound of my voice.

"What did Harry want?" He said. I knew him too well to be convinced of his casual tone. There was definitely some underlying panic.

"Meh, was just trying to kidnap me." I shrugged, not really knowing what to say. Niall nodded but didn't look convinced.

"Sorry I left." I said sincerely, hoping he wasnt upset with me.

"It's okay."

Shit, he did sound upset.

"Looks like we plucked a hundred chickens in here," I chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

"People will think we've been having some kinky kind of sex." Niall laughed and I was so relieved I giggled giddily and threw the last remaining pillow at him.

"You've said that before, Ni. Been thinking about us having sex a lot, have you?" I smirked, enjoying the way it was so easy to tease him.

"N-no!" he stuttered, making me laugh even more. "I wasn't!" He shouted when I continued to laugh.

"Whatever you say, Horan." I said, sending him a wink. His face was now a pure shade of red.

"I hate you." He stated, burying his head in the duvet.


I went to the arena again with the boys that afternoon, watching them practice and then the concert. And yes, I still danced and sang along and cheered and clapped and cried. Even if I watched their show a million times, I think I would still fangirl every time.

That night I went to sleep with my head on Niall's chest, happy and content, unknowing of the fact that the next day would be life-changing.


I'm updating early because I wanted to post the next chapter tomorrow because it's fun and you guys have been waiting aaaaages and just YAY

So sorry if this was the chapter you thought was going to be exciting because it's not. I hope you enjoyed it anyway:)

The next ten chapters or so, I may have to update a bit slower because there will be 54-ish chapters of this story and I'm kinda struggling with the ending because I feel like it's not good enough.

And thankyou so much for voting for the last chapter, it makes me so happy:)

-Laura eeeeeeek xoxoxoxooxoxoxoxo

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