Final Chapter.

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Play the song - it's one of my favourites and I think it goes well with the chapter.

So here it is - The End. Enjoy it, guys. I love you.

Niall's Girl - Final Chapter.

I achieved three As in my A-level results and got into a university in London to study for a maths degree. And yes, Niall thought it was extremely nerdy that I wanted to do maths but not all of us could be hotshot popstars.

I was leaving for uni in a couple of weeks and to be honest, I couldn't have been more excited. I wanted to escape this house and my parents and finally live on my own and be independent and stay out all night if I wanted. And the best thing about it? Ben was going to London, too, so I wasn't going to be split up from my crazy best friend after all. (Also Niall's apartment was in London, but I was pretending that that had nothing to do with me choosing that particular uni.)

I tried to speak to Niall as much as I could on the phone. But it was difficult. With all the different time zones and the concerts and the soundchecks and everything that went with being on tour, we barely found a time that it was convenient for both of us to talk. We skyped once but the call was quickly cut off because him and Harry were going to do a radio interview.

It could have been worse. At least, that's what I was telling myself. Because at least I got cute goodnight texts and random snapchats of Niall's face telling me he missed me and he always made sure to let me know how much he loved me when he found the time.

But I was struggling. It was a major life change, coming back from being on tour with my favourite person in the world back to being on my own most of the time, not being able to speak to the boy I loved when I was sad or alone or just bored. I was accustomed to being around Niall twenty-four/seven. And now I couldn't be, it felt like I was a heroin addict who suddenly couldn't buy any more crack. Because Niall was my drug. He was the thing I turned to when I was upset and when I was happy, the thing that made me feel better, the thing that I thought about every second of the day. The thing I was starting to realise that I couldn't live without. Maybe I needed to go to Niall rehab.

I was slowly easing myself back into sleeping alone. It was strange to suddenly have all this room to myself when I was so used to sharing the tiny bunk with a full grown Irish boy who liked to use me as a teddy bear.

Niall's birthday came around quickly. I got him a card and I made photo album full of photos of me and him and the boys from our time together in America. I sent it to the hotel the boys were meant to be staying at on the 13th, asking Paul for the details so Niall didn't find out.

Harry messaged me saying that the present had arrived the day before Niall's birthday but when the big day finally rolled around, I didn't hear a peek from my boyfriend. I texted him, I called him, I sent him a photo of me in bed saying I missed him and wished he was here with me. And yet, I heard nothing. I tried not to get upset. I was desperate not to become one of those clingy girlfriends who hounded the boy with messages until they picked up. Niall would call if he wasn't busy. Or if he wanted to. I tried to pretend that the thought that maybe he just didn't want to talk to me wasn't plaguing my mind.

To get my mind off my M.I.A boyfriend, I told my parents (who had recently arrived home) that I was going to go buy some groceries. And by 'groceries', I meant shitloads of ice cream that I could stuff my face with whilst watching The Titanic. I was in the mood for something depressing.

But when I trudged back down the street in the rain, my hood pulled up to protect my hair and my headphones plugged in (One Direction blasting of course), my parents' car was gone and the house was locked. And I hadn't taken a key.

"Fuck my life," I grumbled moodily as I sat down in a huff and crossed my arms over my chest. This was just my luck.

My mind drifted as I sat on the doorstep alone.

And suddenly I was having another déjà vu moment because you know what? This is where it all started.

Here, under the front porch, locked out of the house.

Here was where I had sent that one final, hopeful tweet to my favourite One Direction member desperate for a follow on Twitter.

Who would have ever known it would end up like this?

My mind kicked into action, flipping through the past year like it was a video on fast forward.

I could remember the pure ecstasy I felt every time I got a new direct message from Niall the first few days of talking to him. I remembered the time we played twenty questions and the time we discussed what we'd do in the event of a zombie apocalypse. I remembered when he left to go on tour and I thought maybe we'd never speak again. Boy, how wrong could I be? I remembered realising that I was in too deep, that I liked Niall more than a friend, more than I should. And then I remembered the horrible, horrible time that Niall refused to talk to me. A misunderstanding was all it was. But a misunderstanding that ruined my life for a few weeks. I remembered buying him those plectrums as a Christmas present, but they were still hiding at the back of my sock draw even now because I had never found a chance to give him them. I remembered the birthday I spent hoping and hoping that Niall would send me a message. And I remembered being out in the nightclub and hearing that distinct Irish accent come through the speakers of my phone and I couldn't believe that he was calling. I remembered sneaking out of that Shakespeare play to meet Niall in London. I remembered seeing him that first time, watching him turn around and meet my gaze for the first time. I could remember how right it felt to be in his arms. I remembered the time I realised that I loved him. I remembered when he asked me to come on tour. I remembered when he told me he loved me. When he kissed me for the first time. I remembered trying to run away, to escape but then Niall was there. The boy who was always there when I needed him.

And as that last thought rolled through my mind, a very familiar Range Rover pulled into the street.

I stood up from the doorstep.

And I walked out into the rain.

The big car stopped.

My whole world froze.

And then there he was. The boy who was always there when I needed him.

And I cried. I cried so much. I cried in relief, in shock, but mostly in happiness.

And then Niall stepped out of the car and his blonde hair was a mess and he had bags under his eyes probably from flying all night but I didn't care. He was perfect to me and he always would be.

We both ran forward, refusing to be away from each other any longer. And it felt like home when I was suddenly wrapped up in his arms, my face buried in his chest. I could hear the beating of his heart and I sobbed because I was finally where I was meant to be. And he was crying a little, too. And then I looked up and we both started laughing and I was just so fucking overjoyed that he was here. I brushed away either a tear or a raindrop that was rolling down his cheek before crushing our lips together.

"I love you," he smiled through the kiss.

And in that moment, I realised that everything was going to be okay. Because we may be forced apart and we may live very different lives. We may not be able to speak to each other every day and we might be criticised by the media.

So much had changed in the year I had known him.

But at the end of the day, I loved Niall and Niall loved me.

And I would always be Niall's Girl.


I don't really know what to say.

I love you guys so much and I can't thank you enough for voting and commenting and simply for reading this story. Because I suddenly had the idea when I was on holiday and then I fell in love with the story myself but I never knew that it would be this successful. Almost 5000 reads, 240 votes, 50 comments? That is absolutely crazy to me. Ridiculously surreal.

So thankyou thankyou thankyou.

I'm sad that it's over. Not sad -
devastated. This has been my baby, something to focus on when I was going through a hard time and something that made me happy. But it's time and I had never expected to even get anywhere near fifty seven chapters!

I will probably never get a story as successful as this again, so whilst I have the time let me just tell you again that I love you.


Signing off....

- Laura x

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