Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty

"Niall, Emma, can I speak to you for a moment?" Paul said, sticking his head into the room where the boys were still practicing. We walked outside to the corridor and shut the door behind us.

"What's up?" Niall said. He was standing behind me with his hands resting on either side of my waist. His fingers felt so good on the bare skin where my shirt had ridden up; I could definitely get used to this.

"We've been tipped off about paparazzi hanging around inside the hotel, so just in case the nosy buggers come poking around I've got Emma her own room. There were none free earlier in the week but I've managed to settle on one just down the corridor from you, Niall, so don't worry, she won't be far away." Paul was biting back a laugh at what I guessed was Niall's solemn expression. I was pretty sure I wore an identical one.

"My own room?" I said, just to clarify.

"Yep," Paul said handing me they room card. "Here you are."

"Thankyou," I said, as politely as I could, trying not to sound upset. Niall, still stood behind me, rested his chin on the top of my head.

"Okay, see you in a bit guys. You're going to want to get ready soon, let the other boys know that you'll be dropped off at a restaurant at six and then to the club." Paul said, before walking off.

I turned around to face Niall, wrapping my arms around his back and linking my hands there so he couldn't escape. Not that he was trying to.

"I don't want to sleep without you," I admitted, leaning back a bit so I could see into his eyes. He looked just as disappointed as me.

"Me neither." He pressed his forehead against mine so his peppermint breath fanned over my face. "But it's only one night. Tomorrow we get on the road and you can share my bunk on the tour bus."

"Kay." I agreed, pressing a swift kiss to the end of his cute little button nose.

"Niall, get in here! We can't do One Way without you!" Louis shouted. I was seriously going to kill that boy.

"I'm going to go back to my room and wash my hair. I'll see you in a bit?" I said as I unravelled my arms from around Niall's back.

He pouted a little and his lips looked so kissable I just wanted to eat them but I restrained myself. "Okay babe, I'll meet you in the lobby at six?"

"Perfect." I smiled at him once more before turning around to walk away. I had taken half a step when Niall slapped my bum. I turned around, laughing, but the giggling Niall had already run away from my wrath back into the singing room. I was so going to get him back later.


An hour and a half later I was ready to party. I was wearing my shiny brown hair down for once, letting the gentle waves caress my shoulders. My dress was simple - it reached the middle of my thighs, fitted my body perfectly without being skin tight and had three quarter length sleeves that started just off my shoulders, giving me some kind of 'sexy edge'. At least that's what Sophie said when I snapchatted her a photo, freaking out.

I didn't wear much makeup; I never did and I wasn't going to change now. Just mascara, some light eyeliner, and after much hesitation, some pale pink lipstain. My black high heeled boots had studs around the top which I loved. All in all, I was rather pleased with my appearance, eager to see what Niall's reaction was when he was so used to me just lounging around in sweats with bed head.

I went down to the lobby a couple of minutes before six o'clock, but everyone excluding Zayn and Perrie were already there. I was glad they didn't notice me whilst I was walking down the stairs because I was doing a terrible job in my heels, clinging onto the banister for dear life.

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