Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Niall did call the next day like he promised but I was in chemistry so I couldn't pick up. My hand itched to answer the call as I felt it vibrating in my pocket, but A Levels really were important and I knew the right thing to do was just to call him back later.

I did call him back as I walked home, but I guessed he was busy or his phone had run out of battery or something because it went straight to voicemail.

"Hey Ni," I said after the answerphone lady told me to talk after the beep. "Sorry I missed you earlier, was in a lesson. Call me when you get the chance, I want to talk to you about something." I tried to make sure it didn't sound too ominous. I took a deep breath before hoping he didn't take this the wrong way. "Love you Ni, talk to you later!" I hung up and sighed deeply. I had only repeated what he had said to me, after all. I was just hoping he wouldn't detect the underlying tone that I meant it. I really really meant it.


"Whaadduuuup? What's the craic?" Niall called into the phone when I picked up.

I laughed because yes, he actually said that. "Hey Niall, give me a sec, I was just getting changed. I just got home from school."

Niall chuckled and I rolled my eyes, knowing what was coming next. "Wait, you haven't got clothes on? What colour's your underwear?" He said mischievously and I blushed.

"Shut up Horan!" I put the phone down on the bed before slipping a t shirt over my head. I glanced down, realising it was my One Direction shirt. I laughed a little, thinking to only six months ago when I was ecstatic to be wearing Niall's face and now he was waiting for me on the phone.

"Hey, I'm decent," I said, picking back up the phone.

"Y'know, we're only on the phone. I wouldn't even know if you were completely naked," he pointed out.

"Yeah... But I'd feel weird if I was talking to you without any clothes on." I muttered and he chuckled.

"Okay, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

I sighed. "Ni, I just... About those weeks when you wouldn't talk to me..." I trailed off.

"You want me to explain?" His Irish accent was deeper, something that only happened if he was drunk, tired, or nervous. I guessed it was the latter.

"I just don't understand," I said quietly.

"No, it's fine. Just don't take it the wrong way okay?"

"Okay?" I said, it turning out more like a question, because why would I take it the wrong way?

"I just..." He started and I got nervous because he sounded nervous. Suddenly, all his words tumbled out like a waterfall. "It was just when you told me you were going out with Ben I just, I felt a little jealous, okay? And I got mad because I thought he wasn't good enough for you because I knew how he treated all the girls before you and I couldn't stand the thought of him... I dunno, using you I guess and then I got mad and took it out on you. And then when you messaged me I thought maybe you were better off without me, because I'd been so horrible and I'm unreliable and then after a few days I wanted to talk to you so badly but I didn't know what to say and I guessed you hated me and I missed you so much and then on your birthday I couldn't think of anything else and eventually I caved and I scrolled through the thousands of messages to get your number and that's when I called you." He took a deep breaath after having ran out I oxygen. I took a deep breath because, woah, that was a lot to take in.

"Emma, please say something." Niall said after a few moments.

"Ni, you're an idiot." I finally chuckled. "I knew nothing was going to happen with Ben, if you'd have waited to find out I would have told you that! I'm flattered you were just looking out for me though. I just wish you'd done it in another way. And I would never hate you!" The urge to add: 'I love you!' was strong but I held it in.

"I'm so sorry." He said.

"Don't be, it's over and forgotten! And lets keep it that way, yeah? No more ignoring me ever again?"

Niall giggled and my heart swelled at the adorable sound. "Never ever, I promise! Love you, Ems."

I sighed but put on a cheery voice. "Love you too, Ni."


Sorry, this was kind of a filler just to explain Niall's previous behaviour:) The next chapter will be longer!

-Laura xo

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