Chapter Thirty Three

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Chapter Thirty Three

"So," Paul said as we stood in the hotel lobby. "Here are your room cards, please don't lose them again guys." He handed them out to Harry, Zayn, Liam and Louis who all proceeded to head up the stairs, leaving only Niall and I left. Ni had an arm slung around my shoulder and I leaned into his touch, tiredness suddenly overwhelming me.

"Emma," Paul said, smiling at me. I already loved this man, he was so friendly and kind. "I couldn't get you a room because they were all booked up. Normally you'll be able to have your own, but for now, I am sorry but will you be able to share?"

Niall squeezed my shoulder and I could sense the massive grin that had taken over his face. Why he was this happy that I was here never failed to astound me.

"We're used to sharing!" Niall laughed and I shrugged out of his hold so I could smack him.

"He doesn't mean... Not like that... I-" I stuttered, embarrassed. I didn't want Paul to think we'd been sleeping together; I was strangely desperate for his approval.

Paul just laughed. "Here's your room card. They'll bring your bags up later."

"Thankyou!" I called as he walked away before turning to Niall. "You dick! I don't want Paul to think I'm a slag and that we're sleeping together!"

Niall threw his head back and let out a booming laugh. "But we are sleeping together," he winked.

"Yes but not in that way." I huffed mainly because I was embarrassed but also a little bit because I wished we were sleeping together in that way. Woah... I didn't say that.

"C'mon," Niall said as he slotted his hand into mine and pulled me towards the stairs.


We spent the rest of the afternoon napping and trying to get rid of some of the deadly jet lag. The boys didn't have a show that day, thank god. I honestly didn't know how they did it - all the travelling, the shows, the mobbing, the tiredness. I had only been with them less than a day and I was already exhausted. To think they did this for months on end... They're mad.

"Em," a soft voice said.

"Mnh grh,' I mumbled as I rolled over onto my stomach, still half asleep.

"Emmy, come on, wake up babe." The voice said again. If it was anyone else, I would have probably told them rudely to get lost, but I couldn't ignore that Irish accent so I reluctantly pried open my eyes and rolled over onto my side. Niall had got up and showered and was now perched on my side of our double bed. He smiled when he saw my open eyes and as irritated as I was to have been woken up, I couldn't help but smile back at the boy who was sat next to me, his blue eyes bright and his hair wet and messy.

And in that moment, I had some sort of epiphany. I just knew. I knew that there was no turning back anymore. Looking up at Niall, the sun streaming in behind him illuminating his silhouette and making him seem like some kind of blonde Jesus, I just knew. I loved him. And not just like 'oh yeah Ni I love you'. I was in love with him. And so fucking much. I was in love with everything he did - his goofy laugh and his warped sense of humour. His light snores and his perfect smile. I was even in love with his chewed down nails. Just... Just everything. I didn't ever want to leave his side. And to be honest, I thought I might die because there was no way one person should be able to love another as I loved Niall.

"What's wrong?" He said, frowning. I realised I had been staring at him for way too long for it not to be creepy.

"Uh..." I had to make a snap decision. Should I tell him everything, admit everything, risk everything? The thought scared me to death. So instead... "Nothing." I forced a smile and flung the sheets off my legs. "Lets go eat!"

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