Chapter Forty Four

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Chapter Forty Four

We arrived at the boys' next venue that afternoon. I was really enjoying the tour bus, although I could sense it would grate on me a little if I was cooped up for too long. I didn't know how Niall did it - he was such a ball of energy I was surprised more things didn't get broken from sheer boredom.

Louis kept me entertained; when I wasn't with Niall I was with the funny Doncaster boy. We seemed to have bonded (bonded, not bondage you dirty minded people. Oh wait, that's just me. Oops) over pranking Niall and I liked to think I could call him a friend. Harry was amazing, also, just a little more laid back. I will admit I was a bit disappointed when I arrived to find that Larry Stylinson wasn't real; I had always majorly shipped that, almost as much as I shipped myself with Niall.

Zayn was hilarious, just in a less in-your-face way than Louis. His witty remarks that first day on the bus had me clutching my stomach with laughter. Liam was with Andy that first day so I didn't really get to see him much, although from talking to him a little I couldn't understand why they called him 'Daddy Direction'. Maybe it was just Andy's influence, but he was just as mischievous as the rest of them. And I had thought Ben was bad.

The tour buses pulled into the back of the arena where there was a large open concrete area. There were high metal barriers that were over twelve feet tall, but this was the One Direction fandom, so of course I knew that they would find a way of getting around some measly metal.

"Fresh air, how I have missed you!" I sighed dramatically as I finally stepped out of the bus.

"So dramatic," Louis teased me, poking my side with his elbow.

"You try being trapped on a tour bus with four over-excited boys for five hours with no breaks. I thought Niall was bad enough on his own, but you guys just egg him on." I winced, thinking back to three hours ago when Louis and Zayn had dared Niall to eat as many tomatoes as he could in a minute and he had almost thrown up.

"You're no goody-two-shoes yourself. I recall a time when you skived a school trip to visit your boyfriend?" Louis raised his eyebrows as we walked towards the back door of the arena.

"That was one time," I defended myself, pretending not to be proud that I had escaped Porno Peeves without being caught. "And it was your idea! Anyway, he's not my boyfriend." I crossed my arms over my chest, frowning a little.

"He's not?" Louis said, stopping in shock. "But I heard that you two... well, got pretty close last night? And Niall's fancied you for months. Why aren't you together?"

I tried not to smile at the 'Niall's fancied you for months' part. I couldn't believe it. Plus, I had been crushing on him for years, why had we been so stupid not to just admit it earlier?!

"Because he hasn't asked," I admitted truthfully. "I don't even know if he wants me to be his girlfriend."

Louis scoffed and started walking again. "You're an idiot."

"Am not!" I scowled.

"You are!" He argued, his face turning stubborn.

"Shut up, Tomlinson, I'm not!"

Niall ran to catch us up then, slinging an arm around my shoulder. I lifted up my arm so I could intertwine my fingers with the hand resting near my collar bone.

"What are ya arguing about?" He said, his cute face turning even cuter when he furrowed his eyebrows in concern.

Louis looked pointedly at our joined hands before sending me a smug smirk. "Nothing," he said, but he was still smiling because he seemed to think he had won the argument by proving Niall and I were kind of together. I scowled at him, ignoring the confused look Niall sent me.

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