7. My Heart

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There's literally so many mistakes in this chapter but bare with me, I wrote this with every intention to post it ASAP. I'll be correcting them soon, but just disregard them for now haha. Thank you!


It's been three days since I saw Arianna and I couldn't get her face out of my mind, the way the wind blew in her hair, the twinkle in her eye from the reflection of the moon. I've missed her so much and though I didn't exactly see a smile come from her that night, I would've gave anything to see one.

I get up from my spot in bed and decide to go roam around Cleveland for a while before going home tonight after a failure to get Arianna to talk to me.

I walk to the nearest coffee shop and order a large cup and drink it after putting a good amount of creamer and sugar, I take my cup to go and begin walking around the city, half trying to get things off my mind and half hoping to run into Arianna, but fate decided otherwise.

I coincidently walked by her apartment building and made my way through the doors and to the front desk seeing a boy around the age of twenty behind the counter, "Excuse me." I say getting him to look up at me.

"Yes can I help you?" He smiles widely.

"Yeah, is there an Arianna Vespillo living here?" I ask.

"Um I can neither confirm nor deny that, that's confidential information, I'm sorry." He shrugs.

"That's no problem, I understand. I know she lives here but if you can, the next time you see her, give her a note for me?"

I grab a business card from next to me and a pen then jot down a small note handing it to the boy with a sympathetic smile. He looks at the card and smiles, "Yeah I get it, you can't say you'll give it to her, thanks though." I give him a small smile and walk out of the building in hopes of him giving it to her.

I make my way back to the hotel and go straight to my room and begin packing my things, I get interrupted though by a FaceTime call from Vic.

I accept the call and am greeted by Vic's face sporting a cheesy smile, "Yo what's up Hime-Time?"

"Just packing, gonna go back and start looking at some apartments, hopefully find one that I can move into immediately." I answer.

"Still no luck with Ari?" He asks with a straight face.

I shake my head in response, "No she's had three days, I don't think there's any more room for me in her life."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well the fact that when I went to go see her she was with her new boyfriend." I answer, the pain in my chest aching at the thought of it.

"Whoa she has a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I can't tell you enough how awkward and painful it was to be there when he kissed her, I wanted to rip him into shreds." I grit.

Vic begins to laugh and shake his head, "Yeah let's not get ourselves put in jail Hime."

"Yeah I'm trying not to."

"Well hopefully she sees you before you leave, I'm crossing my fingers for you buddy." He says holding up his hand to show he was crossing his fingers.

"Thanks Vic, I'll let you know how it goes." And with that we say our goodbyes and hang up the call.

I can only hope fate is on my side.


"Are you sure you don't want me to take Lilah off your hands while you go get ready for the night?" Leo asks as we walk out of the small diner.

You Were Always The One (Jaime Preciado Fanfic) *Book Two*Where stories live. Discover now