13. Floral and Fading

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[A/N: So just a reminder, that when i talk about songs or have people write songs it's all for fan fiction purposes, I do try to always stick with real life facts so don't kill me lol. PLUS omg who else is in love with the new album!?]

I have legitimately been running around for the past three weeks trying to get my bakery up and ready for its grand opening next month. Having to buy an ass load of new equipment, decorations, and speakers for music to play while people eat.

On top of that I had interviews to do in a matter of five minutes and I'm running late, my life couldn't be any more hectic than it is now. I've had a total of four interviews done and couldn't find anyone, either they were too young, just using my bakery as a chance to see Jaime, or had the personality of an acorn. I have a specific feel that I want to keep in my shop, happy and relaxed.

I parked my car in front of the bakery and saw a young girl standing in front of the door, her cell phone in hand, a black shirt with a plaid shirt tied around her waist, some skinny jeans and black and white converse.

I told the people that were interviewing that this was going to be laid back and not to worry about dressing in slacks and a suit coat. They could wear whatever they wanted, as long as it wasn't a bathing suit and they weren't completely naked.

"I'm so sorry I'm running late!" I say rushing out of the car.

"Oh it's okay." The girl smiles.

"I'm Arianna." I smile while pushing my hand out to shake hers.

"I'm Tori." She gently takes my hand and gives it a firm shake.

"Nice to meet you, come on in and we'll start this thing." I laugh.

I set all my bags down and motioned her to take a seat in front of me at one of the empty tables, I had to push back my awkward as best I could. This isn't my thing, I hate interviews and now I had to give one.

After about thirty minutes of questions and getting to know one another, I realized she was perfect for the job and immediately asked if she wanted the job, and to my luck she accepted.

"Thank you for this opportunity, I can't wait to start." She smiles as I walk her out the door.

"No, thank you. At least now I have one person to be with me here." I reply.

"I'll keep in contact, there's a few more things I need to do until we open, I'll be having a training soon so be ready."

"I will boss." She salutes with a laugh before getting in her car and driving off.

One down, at least three more to go. I think to myself as I walk to the back room.

And as if some sort of miracle happened I hear the jingle of bells that were tied to the door sound through the bakery.

"Hello? I'm here for an interview." The voice spoke.

I scrunched up my eyebrows and walked back to the front to see Sarah, Alex and David standing at the counter with smiles on their faces.

"Oh my gosh what are you guys doing here?" I exclaim, running to give them each a hug.

"We came to see about a job." David says as I release him from my hold.

"But what about the café?"

"We walked out." Alex states with an eye roll.

"The owner hired his niece who was a major bitch and began changing everything, from what we served to the way we dressed. The asshole told us we had to start wearing long sleeves to hide our tattoos and then said we had to take out our piercings. I got into it with her and walked out, they followed." Sarah explained.

You Were Always The One (Jaime Preciado Fanfic) *Book Two*Where stories live. Discover now