Part 3: New Girl, Same Name

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Jacob's POV 

"Jacob! You seriously slept through all three of your alarms? Get up! You have to leave in half an hour!" My mom shouts as she bursts into my room, causing me to jolt out of my bed. I sigh when my mom leaves. Sabrina is gone. What's the point of doing anything anymore?

I have to do something. I can't just sit here and do nothing. She wouldn't want that. If I won't do it for myself, I'll do it for her.

I do my usual morning routine, though it's rushed because of the shortage of time I have. I rush out the door and to school with my backpack with me. When I enter, a few girls approach me, asking if I can take a photo with them. Since this is the first day of school, lots of people are new here and usually find out that, and I quote, "the Jacob Sartorius" goes to their school. I don't understand why I'm that exciting. I'm just another teenage boy. Though, because they are my fans and support me, I put a smile on and take the photos. I then see Carson walking towards the end of the hallway, and I quickly finish taking the pictures to catch up to him.

"Hey, Carson!" I shout loud enough for him to hear me. He looks back at me and stops, waiting for me to catch up to him. 

"Hey, how's it going? Where's Sabrina?" He asks me. My face saddens at her name.

"Oh, uh, Social Services came last night and-" 

"I'm so sorry, dude. You don't have to finish that sentence. I didn't know," he tells me with an apologetic look on his face. 

"It's alright," I simply say back. We walk for a bit in silence before we have to part to our classes. After stopping at my locker, I head to my English class and take my seat in my usual spot. While a wait for the bell to ring and my class to start, an unfamiliar girl sits right in Sabrina's spot.

"Hey there," she says with a flirty smile on her face. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Who does she think she is to sit in my girlfriends spot and have the audacity to attempt to flirt with me?

"Hi," I say back dully, looking at my desk to avoid meeting her eyes.  

"You're Jacob Sartorius, right?" She asks.


"Cool. I'm Sabrina," she tells me. That hit me hard. Literally, I fell off my chair. But seriously, when she said that HER name was Sabrina, that hit me harder then a bullet.
"Jacob, are you okay?" She asks, quickly rushing to my side to help me up. She reaches for my hand but I swat it away.

"Don't call me that," I tell her sternly. She looks at me with an eyebrow raised as I help myself stand up again.

"I'm not suppose to call you by your name?"


"Well, then what am I suppose to call you?" she questions me.

"Nothing. If you don't talk to me, then you don't have to worry about that. And go find another seat. Someone already sits there," I say to her, no mercy towards this girl. I slump back down in my seat, looking down at me hands, waiting for her to leave.

"Geez," she mumbles. "No need to be such a jerk."

As she is about to pick up her things to leave, the teacher tells everyone to sit in their seats. She sits back in her chair and I fight the urge to roll my eyes. Why does she have to sit here?

The teacher starts the lesson and I impatiently tap my foot during the entire period. Soon, three periods stretch by and I'm sitting at a cafeteria table, surrounded by my few friends as three out of the four of us sit silently, felling black cloud of gloom towering over-top all of us except Kasey.

"Why are you guys all so glum? And where's Sabrina? I haven't seen her around school today," Kasey asks. I use my fork to play with my food as she asks this question and feel that awful empty void inside me ache just at her name.

"Kasey," Carson warns her. She looks at him, confused as to what she said wrong.

"Don't talk about-"

"Social Services took her away last night while I was sleeping because my parents apparently didn't sign the form to become her registered guardian until she turned 18," I tell her bluntly, glancing up at her. She looks at her with wide eyes.

"There's no way," she says in disbelief.

"Unfortunately, it's true. They won't tell me where she went either," I tell her.

"Bullshit!" she suddenly swears loudly, slamming a fist on the table. 

"Language!" We all say in sync as people start to look towards us. 

"It's true; it's bullshit. Your parents are good people, and they would never jeopardize the chance that Sabrina could be taken from your home. They didn't show them the paperwork or something. There's absolutely no way," she tells me, anger flaring in her eyes. None of us respond and suddenly know that the black cloud of gloom has got her too.

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