Part 30: Zariel

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*Gurl by the title you know what's coming*

Jacob's POV

I begin to slowly shut my eyes, tiredness being the reason why. As I rest my head on hers, I suddenly hear my name being called and snap my head to look. I am surprised when I see my friend I haven't seen in what seems like forever, Max (Max is one of Jacob's hometown friends IRL btw).

"Oh, hey Max!" I greet him with excitement.

"Yo, Jacob! Great to see you, man. Who's the cutie?" He asks. I slightly smile.

"This is my girlfriend," I tell him. His eyes widen.

"So this is the girl you text about to me 24/7!" He exclaims. I slightly chuckle and we begin to make a bit of small talk.

"You know, I think you should get a bit of sleep," Max tells me.

"You'd be cool with that? I'm sorry, i didn't sleep last night," I tell him.

"It's no problem. I'll talk to you when you wake up," he tells me. I think him and I close my eyes again and in a matter of seconds, I'm sleeping with my head resting on Sabrina's head.

*Back Home*

Ariel's POV

Carson and I just talk back and forth for a bit. He's so sweet and I'm so happy to be able to call him my boyfriend. As we are talking, I then hear a girly high-pitched voice from behind me say my name. Immediately knowing who it is, I turn around and meet his face with a smirk.

"What's up, Zach?" I say to him.

"Not much," he replies. "So what are you two doing?"

"Just chilling here at the park and talking. There's not much to do when Jacob and Sabrina are gone," I chuckle. He laughs.

"True, very true," he replies. I then realize Carson and Zach have not met and decide to introduce them to each other.

"Oh, Zach, this is Carson, my boyfriend. Carson, this is my friend, Zach," I introduce the two of them.

"Top of the morning to ya," Zach says to Carson. All three of us break into laughter.

Zach's POV

Ariel's amazing, but she's with Carson. I would never make them break up, but I could get to know her even more and then maybe she would like me for me. We'll have to see though.

"Hey, you know what would be cool? If you wanted to do a YouTube video with me for Our Journey (if you didn't know, it's a collaboration channel with people like Loren, Ariel, and Zach)?" I ask Ariel as we sit together in her bedroom trying to plan ideas of what we should each film for Our Journey.

"Sure. Let's tweet out at the fans to send question and in the time being, we'll set up the camera," she suggests. I nod in agreement.

After finding my camera, Ariel helps me set up my camera by my couch in the living room. Before putting it up, I tweet out If you wanna ask Ariel and I some questions, tweet me #askzariel !

Once we receive enough questions, we turn on the camera and after about ten takes of the intro, we finally begin to answer the questions.

(They did a q and a video on either Our Journey or just Zach's channel. Just search up zariel and their q and a video should come up if you want to watch it.)

Sorry for this wait, but next chapter will be really interesting.
Also, ha. I fooled y'all at the beginning. Nothing official happened or shipped they just filmed a video.
Love you guys!

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