Part 38: Twins

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Sabrina's POV

I jolt up out of my bed into a sitting position at the sound of my alarm clock going off. I groan and wipe my eyes, looking at the time afterwards and seeing it's just after 6:30. I groan again and flop backwards onto my bed. Ugh, the first day of school.

I slowly but eventually get out of bed. I shower and change into my outfit. I go into my bathroom and brush my hair. I curl my golden locks and put on my usual makeup. I put on my glasses before walking out. I go into the spare socks basket which is in the bathroom and grab a pair. I put them on then walk down the stairs. Jacob is already there making toast.

"Morning princess," he chirps.

"Morning," I reply. I sit at the table and play on my phone for a bit. I'm playing flappy bird and my high score is 69.

67, 68, 69-

"It's ready!" Jacob shouts. I press too hard on the screen from his sudden voice and my bird drops to the ground just before I beat my high score. I slam my phone onto the counter and groan.

"Jacob! You made me die!" I shout at him. He laughs.

"What was your score? 15?" He chuckles.

"Actually it was 69, almost 70 but someone screwed me up," I say. He simply laughs.

"I was-" I'm suddenly cut off by him planting his lips on mine. He pulls away after a few seconds with a smirk on his face.

"I'm sorry," he says. I roll my eyes.

"Whatever," I say back. He grins. We eat our toast. I go back to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I come back down and Jacob hands me my bag.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Yup," I respond. We walk out the door together and towards the school. When we get to the school, the halls are flooded with kids. Jacob and I go to the office and get our schedules and lockers. His is in the hallway around the corner and mine is by my home room. Life doesn't work out perfectly like they do in movies. We compare our schedules and find out we have 5, 6, 7, and 8 hour together, plus lunch.

Jacob walks to his locker and I walk to mine. Turns out Joey's locker is next to mine, so at least I have a friend next to my locker. On my other side is an unfamiliar girl. Actually, she looks kind of familiar. I feel like I know her from somewhere.

"Hi! I'm Sam! I'm new here, do you think you could show me around?" Sam asks me as I go towards my locker.

"Of course! It's nice to meet you Sam, I'm Sabrina," I introduce myself. She walks by my side as I show her the school.

"Could I see your schedule?" I ask. She nods and hands me it from out of her pocket.

"You have Homeroom, history, the free period, and math with me! And you have English with my boyfriend, Jacob," I say. She smiles.

"Hey, just wondering, have we met before? You seem familiar," I say. She tenses up for some reason and shakes her head nervously.

"N-no. I don't think s-so," she stammers. I observe her curiously.

"I'll just keep showing you around," I say. She nods in agreement.

"That's the science lab which I go to on day 2's. On day 2's I have the same schedule except gym is replaced with science and I have math last period, so double math that day. There's the office, the cafeteria, your homeroom, history room, math, English, art room, and your free period you can go outside to the elementary football field and do stuff there or you can just hang around the school," I finish off. She nods.

"Okay, I got that. Thank you for your help Sabrina," she says just as the bell rings.

"We don't need anything for Homeroom except for any un-used or un-labelled school supplies. They just let us talk for a bit and help us with labelling our school things for the first few classes. Then they teach us some of every subject to help our brains for the day," I tell her. She nods.

Sam and I talk for a bit while heading towards homeroom. On the way there, we run into Jacob and I decide to introduce the two of them.

"Hey, Jacob. This is Sam, she's new here," I tell him. His eyes widen.

"What?" I ask.

"You guys look identical," he says. We look at each other and I look back at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I literally don't see a difference except maybe for the fact that Sabrina is shorter and Sam is tanner. But besides that, you look like twins," he tells us.

"I don't see it," Sam says. I shrug.


"Do you want to come over to my place after school?" Sam asks as I bite into my sandwich.

"Sure," I agree as bread falls out of my mouth. All my friends look at me disgusted.

"You're still hot when food is falling out of your mouth," Jacob says casually, biting into his snack. I accident choke on a piece of my food as I hear his comment and he pats my back. I contain my self and swallow my food, looking back at him with a smile.

"You make my day, Jacob," I say. He smiles.

The day goes by fast and soon I am in the back seat of Sam's car driving to her house. It's weird, she locked the car windows and the doors. Like she used the child locks and stuff. It's kind of strange is you ask me.

If you were reading You Are, my other Jacob Sartorius fanfiction, I told you I would write on here like 6 days ago and I didn't. I'm super sorry! I was sick and then I was hanging out with my friend who lives two hours away from me. Anyways, I'm back! Next chapter will be about the mysterious girl Sam and Sabrina going to her house. Love you guys! Comment your thoughts on this chapter please! Love you guys!

P.S I need a name for you guys. I need something original, not donuts or cuties, something over the top cause I'm weird like that. Anyways, love you guys so much!!❤️❤️❤️

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