Part 46: Sure of Yourself

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Sabrina's POV

"I'm gonna get changed into something different before we leave," I announce, feeling as though wearing a skirt out in public after I tumbled down the stairs and bruises will surely start to appear on my legs isn't the smartest choice.

"Yeah, I'll lend you something of mine to wear," Ariel offers. I thank her and her and I scavenge through her closet until I find an outfit (in media.) I leave my hair the way it is and I walk down the stairs with Ariel by my side. Loren approaches us and everyone starts to file out the door, the guys trailing behind us. As we walk through a couple streets towards the theatre, I see StarBucks is down the street and decide I should stop for a quick drink.

"Hey, I'm gonna stop by StarBucks. I'm thirsty," I say to everyone. They all nod except Jacob.

"I'll come wi-"

"No thanks, Jacob. I just want to go alone. Is that okay?" I say. He looks down with flushed cheeks and nods. I walk alone to the StarBucks after telling everyone I'll meet them at the theatre afterwards. I go inside and I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. Stepping to the side, I open it and see it's Jacob. I mentally groan and open the conversation.

Jacob: What are we?

I deeply think about what I'm going to reply before responding.

Me: Hm, not sure. What do you think?

Jacob: I want to be with you, Sabrina. I really do. I just think I'm not good for you. Besides, you clearly don't trust me considering you were eavesdropping on me

Me: You clearly don't trust me because you don't have the guts to say anything to my face and instead do it behind my back.

Jacob: I want to be with but I'm just not good for you, Sabrina. You're not good for me either.

Me: I'm not good for you?

Jacob: I said that wrong. It's just that you don't trust me and you're always getting hurt somehow when you're with me. I don't that

Me: I'll act more trustworthy once you start saying your thoughts to my face

Jacob: It's not that easy

Me: We aren't living in a fanfiction, Jacob. This is really life. Don't give me that crap. It seemed pretty easy to look at me with pure disappointment after I fell down 16 stairs

Jacob: I'm sorry for that


I order up my drink and while waiting for it to be made, I think deeply about what I should do. Would jealousy work to make him realize what he's doing? Maybe.

It doesn't take me long to decide that's my best bet. After getting my drink, I sit at a table and text Brandon, Hunter's younger brother.

Me: Hey, Brandon

Brandon: Yo, what's up?

Me: Can you do me a favour?

Brandon: Yeah, sure. What is it?

Me: Okay, I need revenge on Jacob. Can you be my 'date' to the movies so I can make him jealous?

Brandon: That sounds so evil. Where do I meet you?

Me: The StarBucks that's next to Main Street.

Brandon: Okay, be there in 5 minutes

Me: Thanks bro, love ya

Brandon: Love ya too

Now we have that covered. The movie starts in about an hour, and I now have the plan of bringing Brandon along with with me. I sip on my drink and play on my phone until Brandon arrives. We both say hello and he sits next to me.
"So when is this happening?" He asks, taking a sip of my drink. We've gained a close bond because of Hunter. Like a best friend relationship. We don't see or talk to each other too often, but when we do, we're like bro to bro. That might sound weird 'cause I'm a girl, but this is Sabrina we're talking about. When am I not weird?

"The movie is at 7, and its quarter after six right now, so we should go in about 10 minutes," I say. He nods. We talk for a bit about how this is gonna end up working out as.

Once 10 minutes go by, we start to walk the rest of the way to the theatre. She we arrive, we spot the rest of our friends at the drink station.

"Hey! I got a popcorn for us to share a coco-cola for you," Ariel says. I'm glad people know what I like.

"Okay, thanks," I say.

"Oh, hey Brandon! Are you gonna watch Finding Dory with us?" She asks.

"Yeah, Sabrina invited me," he tells her.

"Oh, well do you have a ticket?" She asks.

"Yup, we bought one on the way in," he says. She smiles.

"Great! How about you just go grab whatever you want to eat and just meet us back at the tables? We won't be hard to miss," she tells him. He agrees and thanks her, walking off to the long-ish lines of people waiting to purchase sugary drinks and artificial tasting popcorn. As we are waiting, Jacob suddenly tugs on my arms and leads me away from the group.

"Why the heck did you invite Brandon?" Jacob asks. I scoff.

"Because I don't live under your power. And why would you even care?" I say.


"And besides, I thought that we weren't a couple anymore?" I question him. He fails to think of how to answer that and continues on with something else.

"Look, I know I've been horrible to you, but even though I've had you so many times, I still want more, and I always come back," he says.

"Don't be so sure of yourself."

Dun dun dun! Update!

I quickly need to say these two things.

First: Guys, I don't like Jacob as much as I use to. I don't really want to write more stories about him. After I finish this series of books, my other series of Jacob Sartorius book, the one I promised I would write after I finish this, and the imagines, I'm not gonna write any more books on him.

Second: Thank you Jacob Sartorius.

When I was obsessed with him, I opened the book Breaking Dawn and saw the name Jacob, so I decided to read it. Now the Twilight Saga is my life, so thank you Jacob Sartorius.

QOTD: If you guys want me to write books after I finish writing Jacob Sartorius Fanfictions, what type of books should I write?

Thank you for reading my unirainbows! I love each and everyone of you!


Story of a victim 2 [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora