Part 10: Scars

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*TRIGGER WARNING: Chapter may mention abuse, suicide, self-harm, and/or eating disorders. Read at your own risk.*

Sabrina's POV

Jacob stands there, staring at the razor that's in my hand and I set it on the counter, avoiding his eye contact.

"Did you-" I cut off his squeaky and weak voice.

"No, I didn't," I tell him sternly. He kneels next to me, grabbing one of my hands. I yank it away from him, looking at him dumbfounded.

"After being the reason I have an eating disorder and why I was considering hurting myself, you still have the audacity to believe you have the right to touch me? Screw off, Jacob. You don't care. Stop pretending you do," I say to him. He sits next to me and puts his head in his hands. I hear soft cries escape his mouth, though I feel no sympathy towards him whatsoever.

"I'm so sorry I caused this," he says. "I didn't mean to do this. You're everything."

"I'm nothing, Jacob. This whole screwed up family made that very clear, you included," I say to him. He shakes his head and looks at me, tears running down his face.

Jacob's POV

"You're not worthless, you're not fat, you're not ugly, and you're not stupid. I should be suffering. Karma should get me back hard for everything I've ever done wrong, but it's not and I wish it was," I cry out. "Don't believe any of the bad things that come out of my mouth. It's just me being a complete and utter idiot. You're everything, Sabrina Collins. Everything."

She stays silent, looking at her palms. I slowly calm myself down and stop crying. I look over at her, sniffing once and wiping my nose with my sleeve.

"Why would you consider it?" I ask her. She scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion.

"Why would you want to hurt yourself today? Was it because you're getting kicked out?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"I mean, that really sucks, but no," she says. "I just thought that once I admitted my issues, someone would care and help me out a stop to whoever is causing this. But no one does care. I feel like it's been ages since someone has said I love you to me, and believe me, I've wanted to hear those words more than anything in these last couple months," she confesses. I put s hand on her shoulder and she doesn't swat it away.

"I love you," I whisper in a croaky and raspy voice. She sighs and puts her hands in her hair. She says something under her breath that I can't hear.

After a few minutes of sitting in silence, we both decide it would be best to call Social Services and get my parents to finally sign the form.

Sabrina's POV

I'm kind of embarrassed about what Jacob saw. I don't know if he realizes that, but I am.

Jacob's POV

I'm so happy that she's mine again!
As we are on my bed, I tell her the truth.

"Sabrina, I'm really happy that your mine again. I swear I'll never let you go," I tell her. She looks at me with a confused expression.

"I never said I would take you back," she says. I frown.

"But I thought that after that scene that we could be together again," I say.

"I'm sorry. You really hurt me, you hurt me bad. You guys made that hashtag and I pretty much have anorexia, and that's pretty big. You caused me this pain, and I'm not ready to say I love you again."

"Oh, okay," I say as I turn over to my side away from her.

"Don't get offended. I need time," she tells me. I nod without looking at her and go to sleep.

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