Part 23: Pool!

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Sabrina's POV

"Wait, stop," I say, looking down at the notification on my phone. He looks back at me with an eyebrow raised. "Loren just texted me that we're going swimming. Get a bathing suit," I tell him. He nods and runs back into the house. I follow him slowly, looking at my phone as I text a response back to Loren. He comes back down and I see he grabbed himself one as well as myself.

"You didn't have to get mine, but thank you," I say. He slightly smiles and shrugs. We walk to Loren's house, chatting about what we'll be doing when we arrive. When the house comes into sight, I see Loren and Joey sitting on her deck as well as Mark and Kasey.

"Okay, we're all here. Let's go," Loren says. We all go towards the car and the vast majority of us go into the back. Joey gets in the front and starts the car while Loren in the passenger seat. Jacob on the right in the back, Kasey in the middle, Mark on the left, and me sitting on Kasey because unfortunately this car is too small for all of us.

"Could you move onto Jacob? I mean, I know you're not heavy or anything, but I am a fragile human being," she says. I can't help laugh. Joey goes over a speed bump and I go flying out of my seat in the air. In the middle of Kasey yelling "OH NO!", I suddenly feel Jacobs arms wrap around my waist and pull me towards him.

"Gotcha," he smirks. Both of us chuckle. I hear Kasey sigh in relief.

"Thank god. I'm forever grateful, Jacob. I thought my thighs were going to literally die if she landed back on me. Again, you're not heavy. I'm just fragile," she tells me. Both Jacob and I laugh.

After a few more minutes of driving, we  arrive at the pool and we all file out of the car which probably resulting in it looking like a clown car with so many people going out of it. We get our things and go inside to pay to go inside.

When paying, both Loren and Joey start to take money out of their pockets. Since Jacob and I always fight over this, I start to take out my own money to put the issue to an end. Then I see Loren and Joey look at each other for a moment and in sync, they both say, "We'll split it."

My jaw gapes open at how nicely they came to the agreement. I look at Jacob completely dumbfounded.

"Why don't we ever do that? Why didn't we do that instead of tearing the bill in half that one time?" I ask. He laughs.

"I don't know. But I remember that," he says. I laugh too. Loren, Kasey and I go into the change rooms while the boys go into theirs and we agree to meet outside. After we finish getting changed, we take a mirror selfie 'cause we're basic and then go out.

"Cannon ball!" All three of us shout as we jump into the pool. We get some dirty looks, but we could care less.

"Hey guys! Over here!" I hear someone call us. I immediately recognize the voice as Jacob and motion the girls to follow me. We meet them near the hot tub and they all look unusually happy.

"Guess who's here," Joey says. We all look at him, confused and curious as to who it could be. He points towards the hot tub and I see the one and only Ariel who is waving and smiling like crazy.

"Ariel!" Loren and I exclaim. We (speed) walk over to her and into the hot tub, each of us giving her a hug and Kasey introducing herself to Ariel.

"I haven't seen you since maybe fourth or fifth grade!" I exclaim.

"I know! It's been so long!" She says. We all continue to chat about our lives and Kasey and Ariel learn a bit more about each their.

"Hey, this girl was sitting with me not too long ago. She said she knows you, Sabrina," Ariel tells me.

"What was her name?"

"It was Crystal, I believe," she tells me. I nod and say that I do indeed know her. Almost exactly on cue, Crystal walks by and notices us.

"Oh, hey, Sabrina!" She says. She looks at Loren with curious eyes.

"Crystal, this is Loren. She moved away before you came," I tell her. She smiles.

"It's really nice to meet you Loren," she says. Loren smiles back.

"Nice to meet you too."

"Hey guys!" I shout to Jacob, Joey and Carson. They all walk over towards us and sit on the edge with only their feet on. Jacob is the first to notice that Crystal is there and slightly waves to her.
"Hey, Crystal," he says with a small smile. Crystal looks over at Joey and Loren tells her that he is her boyfriend.

Crystal's POV

Holy hunka. Joey is HOT. But he's dating Loren, and I can't get in between them. I mean, unless they were to break up...

Loren's POV

That Crystal girl was looking a Joey in a way that made me jealous. She just seemed a little bit off and it gives a bad vibe. I have a feeling that this is going to cause some trouble.

Joey's POV

Loren seems quiet, and when she's quiet, she's generally mad or jealous. I wonder if it's because of that Crystal girl.

Sabrina's POV

Everyone is exchanging glances and I'm very confused as to what happening. I wonder what is going on in there heads. And what's going on in Jacob's head? He's just staring into yonder.

Jacob's POV

Can I just say that this hot tub is amazing! I feel stressed-relieved. No new drama coming. It's a good change.


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