Part 14: Fun

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*TRIGGER WARNING: Chapter may mention abuse, suicide, self-harm, and/or eating disorders. Read at your own risk.*

Sabrina's POV

Feeling as though I'm trapped by all my thoughts, I decide that instead of drowning in my head, I need to take my mind off of what is consuming me. I walk towards my bedroom window and open it up, looking at the ground and mentally preparing for jumping out it. I did this all the time as a kid, not necessarily out Jacob's window, but my own so I wouldn't have to face my dad when I wanted to go out. I put one foot out the window and before I know it, I'm on the ground and beginning to walk to the first person's house that came to my mind; Carson. He's one of my best friends and I know I can talk to him about this and he won't judge me. This is one of the very reasons you can't only have one best friend; sometimes things happen between you two and you need time away from them. If they're the only person you hang out with, who else will you go to?

After I arrive at Carson's doorstep, I shake my head, take a breath in, and knock on the door. He answers a few seconds later and I see that Mark is lingering behind me. Carson's eyes widen when he sees me.

"Sabrina! What are you doing here?" he asks me.

"Listen," I start. "I just needed to get out of my house for a while. If you don't mind me interrupting you two, could I talk to you both to get something off my chest?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course. Come inside," Carson tells me, gesturing his hand towards the inside of his house. When I begin to talk to them, it's like my mouth won't shut. I tell them every detail; every single detail, all the way from when I first began to be fostered to how Jacob told his parents about my stupid eating disorder.

"Okay, this whole situation is so messed up. That's absolutely ridiculous that Jacob's girlfriend would manipulate him into bullying you again. Seriously, it's so messed up. Also the fact that he started dating another girl, implying that he was cheating on you. I'm so sorry we didn't try to stop it. Neither of us knew. I guess Jacob found a way to keep it hidden from us," Mark tells me.

"I second what Mark said, but I just have one question. What's anorexia?" Carson asks. I look at him and struggle to tell him what I have developed, but Mark thankfully steps in and speaks for me.

"It's an eating disorder. It deals with eating nearly no food and really bad self-image," Mark tells him.

"Wait- no food? Sabrina, I don't want you to think that I don't understand, because I'm really trying to, but don't you think Jacob telling his parents could benefit you and your health? None of us want to see you go in such an awful way. Maybe help from a professional wouldn't be such a bad option," Carson tells me. While I process his words, I start to see his point of view. He could be right. Maybe getting help wouldn't be all bad. But what if it got leaked somehow that I was going to therapy because my self-esteem has gotten so bad to the point of self-hatred? Maybe I could get better myself, and with the help of my few trusted friends. Maybe trying to look at myself in a new perspective and focusing more upon the positives could help me become a better and healthier version of myself.

"You don't need to respond. How about you clear your mind by spending the night here? Mark and I were just about to play Black Ops. I wouldn't mind adding an extra player," he tells me. I slightly smile, thinking of a way this could help me get better and open up to them more about the way I'm feeling. For now, all I need to do is pretend I'm not the incredibly self-conscious girl I feel like I am and realize they don't care what I look like, they just care about me and how I'm doing.

"Just bring out some food, and I'm down."


"No, no, no, no! Carson, I swear to god if you get the last kill, I will kill you!" I threaten Carson. Suddenly, the game ends and I groan, realizing I didn't get the last kill of the game. I go to slap Carson's knee when he surrenders his hands.

"Don't look at me. I didn't get the last kill either," he says. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion until I look back at the screen and see that Mark was the one to get the last kill. Carson and I groan as Mark laughs and brags.

"I need to quickly use the washroom. Don't start the next game without me," she says.

"Intermission is only 30 seconds, so I suggest you move quick!" Mark says as I walk to the bathroom. I rush quickly towards the door and shut it, slightly smiling at how well this night is going and how happy I feel.

Carson's POV

I'm so glad Sabrina came over. I haven't talked to her in what feels like forever and it's nice to. When she heads to the bathroom, I whisper to Mark that we should shoot a nerf gun at her. He agrees and sets his phone in a place to film while I quickly get our nerf guns. We each stand in near the door while the camera is recording and she opens the door and we both shoot. Like the incredible ninja she is, she dodges nearly every foam bullet and grabs ahold of each of our guns. After pleading for her to not shoot, she suddenly pulls the trigger and Mark and I both laugh as she shoots the foam at our arms. I could really get use to this.

Sabrina's POV

After up until nearly 4am watching movies and playing video games, one by one we each fall asleep. I drift out of consciousness with a smile on my face. I could really get use to this.

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