Part 42: One Month

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Jacob's POV

One month. One entire month of the girl I love, just gone as if she disappeared out of thin air. I've looked everywhere. Not a spot has not been searched, whether by me or the police and search parties. One month of agony, and one month of feeling as though the numbness in my chest is permanent; that the void in my heart can never be filled again just at the thought that she could truly be gone forever.

One fucking month.

I can't give up. I need to be strong and I need to have hope. No matter how many tears have been spilled from my eyes and no matter how many times I've had to leave class because I' breaking down, I will not loose hope. I can't. Not at a time like this.

I am doing my daily check of the stupid house that Sabrina's sister and father held her hostage in. I sigh as I once again see no sign of her. I lean against the wall and run my hand through my hair in frustration, tugging on the ends of it. Suddenly, I jolt up as the wall behind me starts to open up. I'm surprised to see that there is a small set of stairs leading into an underground place. I might as well go.

Not like I have anything to loose anyways.

I walk a long way through a few hallways with rat's running by every once in a while. I keep taking twists and turns and rights and lefts. I almost think about giving up to myself until further in I see a wider wall. Out of curiosity, I turn the corner and see that there is a large room that is moulded up, a wretched stench coming from an unknown place. While glancing around the room in disgust, I suddenly hear a quiet moan and dart my eyes to where the sound came from. I see a figure on the floor and squint my eyes as I try to figure out who it could be. My eyes go wide as the person turns their head and those blue eyes weakly meet mine.


She weakly raises her head and pushes herself back as far as she can go when I realize she has chains on her wrists. My eyes soften and tears fill them as I see this girl in so much pain. She starts to dryly stutter until a word comes out of her mouth.

"D-dad?" My eyes widen as she says this and I immediately shake my head.

"No, no, Sabrina! It's Jacob, and I'm here to help you," I tell her. Taking out my phone to call the ambulance, I sprint towards her and kneel next to her. I gently grab one of her hands and contain the tears welling up in my eyes. I put the phone up to my ear after dialling the number. I tell them where I am and they say they'll be here in just a few minutes.

"Sabrina, I need you to listen to me very carefully. I'm going to need you to work with me while I get you out of here. I'm not here to hurt you in any way. Trust me," I tell her slowly. She swiftly nods and I decide to figure out a way to take the chains off her wrists first.

I follow where the chains come from and see they are on a hook. I take them off the hook and find a key, then I unlock the chains off of her wrist. I gently use my left arm to support her upper back and my right to support her legs as I lift her up. She starts to mumble out something that I can't make out and I quickly shush her.

"Please save your strength. Everything is going to be alright soon. I promise."

I finally find my way to the main level of this house and just as I do this, the paramedics burst through the door, a stretcher with them. I hand Sabrina off to a paramedic and him and a couple other set her onto the stretcher and into the ambulance.

"Are you coming, kid?" One of them asks me. "If you don't have a ride, then come, but we've gotta move fast."

I immediately nod and get in, taking a seat right beside Sabrina as they begin to put IV's in her arms. Trying to make her not notice it, I begin to make a conversation with her.

"You're going to be alright soon, Sabrina," I tell her as I lightly grip her hand. A tear suddenly trails down her cheek and she lets out a shaky breath.

"It really hurts, Jacob."

"I'll make it better soon. They'll make it better. You will be okay," I tell her. Her grip tightens on my hand.

"I need water," she tells me.

"Is there any water?" I ask the man next to me. He immediately nods and hands me a water bottle. I open the lid and carefully pour some into her mouth, bit by bit.

"That feels so much better," she says a bit more clearly. I slightly smile.

"Do you want more?" I ask. She nods. I give her more and she eventually chugs the whole bottle. The doors suddenly opens in the back. They take her on the stretcher and transfer her onto a hospital bed.

"Everything hurts, Jacob."

"Hunny, I'll make it better. You won't be hurt after this, I promise," I assure her as she is taken through the doors and all I can do is wait for her to be better.

Emotional chapter for y'all!

QOTD: Who is your favourite artist/singer? Mine is Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello.

Love you guys!
-the unicorn ruler Kay

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