Part 22: Long Time, No See

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Sabrina's POV

"Sabrina, come on. It's already 11," Jacob says, shaking me awake.

"Babe, don't wake me up," I groan in my raspy and raw morning voice.

"I'll get water," he warns. I quickly open my eyes and turn over only to find out that I was at the edge of the bed and tumble to the floor. I quickly get up and lean against my bed, acting as though I didn't fall.
"I meant to do that," I tell Jacob and he has a wide smile on his face. He lets out a laugh.

"Sure you did," he chuckles. "So what do you wanna do today?"

"Wanna go over to Carson's or something? He hasn't been around here lately," I suggest. Out of nowhere, Jacob's expression flickers instantly to anger.

"No, no I don't," he says.

"Okay... What about Mark, or maybe Kasey's," I suggest. His face brightens up.

"How about we meet somewhere with them?" He says.

"Okay, do you wanna meet them at the pizza place or something?"

"Sure. I'll text them," I say. After I text them, I start to get ready. I put on white jean shorts, a black tang-top, and my black vans. I put my hair in a high ponytail and light mascara.

"Let's go," I say to Jacob as I go down the stairs and enter the living room. He gets up off the couch and we head out the door.

While we are walking, Jacob says something out of the blue that catches me off guard.

"Sabrina, do you love me?"

"Well, yeah. Of course," I tell him.

"Do you promise not to leave me for anyone else, no matter what?"

"Of course. Why would I ever?" He doesn't respond and I take the hint that he doesn't want to explain. I shake it off and continue walking until we get to the restaurant and see Kasey and Mark already seated at a table.

"Wassup," I greet them.

"Hey," they say back in sync.

"So why did you want to meet us here?" Mark asks.

"Just bored. That's all," I say. They nod. We all talk for a few minutes about our day until a server comes to our table and takes our order.

I glance up at the entrance and happen to recognize a blonde headed girl and annoy next to her. I squint my eyes, trying to make out who it may be. I then see her familiar face and come to the realization that they are friends of mine that I haven't seen since fifth grade. I stand up and start to slowly walk away from the table.

"You okay Sabrina?" Jacob asks me. I don't respond and walk closer to them.

"Loren?" I say. She looks over and her eyes widen when she sees my face.


She walks closer to me and wraps her arms around me and I do the same.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't think it was
actually you! It's been so long!" She exclaims as we pull away.

"I know!" I agree. I look at the boy and see that it is indeed Joey.

"Joey? Is that you?" I ask.

"Duh," he says in a matter-of-fact tone. Classic Joey. I go in to hug him also.

"It's been a long time!"

"Yeah, it has," I agree.

"So how have things been since I left? Is that thing with Jacob any better?" He asks me.

"It's all good. That stopped long ago," I tell him. Joey was here for the very beginning of sixth grade when Jacob started to bully me and left before he could see anything else happen.

"Wait, what happened?" Loren asks with concern. She left in fifth grade and never got to see anything happen at all, and at that time I didn't have a phone so we couldn't stay in contact.

"Just some middle school drama. Everything's alright now," I tell her. She nods.

"So are you guys best friends again?" Joey butts in.

"A little more then that," I say. They both smile.

"We already have a table. You can eat with us if you want," I offer. They agree. When we get to the table, Jacob and Joey quickly hug and Kasey introduces herself to Loren.

*Skip the eating and stuff because I'm really lazy right now and kind of a bad author*

"Do you guys wanna spend the night at my place?" Loren asks.

"You live here again?" I ask. She nods.

"I'm down for it," I agree.

"Sure. It'll be good to get to know you" Kasey says. The boys also agree and she gives everyone her number and texts us all the address. We all make a plan to meet there around seven and go back to our houses to get ready and pack up our things.

After we both finish finding our things and getting our clothes together, it's about time for us to leave and we head out to Lorena house.

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