Part 12: Worried

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*TRIGGER WARNING: Chapter may mention abuse, suicide, self-harm, and/or eating disorders. Read at your own risk.*

Jacob's POV

"Ha! I won!" Sabrina shouts, lifting her arms in the air as if she's about to turn into Superman.

"Hey! I lost by only 2 points!" I retort.

"Well I won by 2 points," she replies. I playfully glare at her and she laughs and I can't help laugh with her.

"Do you wanna go home and eat now that we're finished?" I ask her.

"Yeah, let's go home," she agrees. She starts to walk until I gently tug back on her arm.

"And you're going to eat something, right?" I say.

"I'm not hungry."

"But you haven't eaten yet today. You have to. It's not healthy," I say.

"I'll be fine."

"Fine, but you have to eat supper." I hear her mumble something that I can't make out.

"What did you say?"

"I said no promises," she says loudly as she starts walking away from me.

"No, you're going to promise me. You need to eat at some point today," I say, chasing after her.

"I didn't say I would, okay!"

"What are my parents going to think when you don't eat for a week?" I question her.

"They're going to think that I'm not eating," she simply responds.

"Sabrina, just-"

"Just drop it," she interrupts me.

"I'll tell my parents if you don't eat something," I say. She stops dead in her tracks and turns back to look at me.

"You can't say that, you're blackmailing me," she tells me.

"It's not blackmailing. I'm doing this for your own good," I say to her.

"If you care about me, you won't tell them."

"I do care about you, I care about you a lot. Just eat something, even if it's something small," I attempt to persuade her.

"Okay, I'll eat something when I get home. I promise."

As we silently continue walking home, I suddenly see Kat walking towards us from the opposite side of the street and Sabrina hasn't seemed to notice yet. I decide that this is probably the best time to break it off with her.

"Sabrina, I need you to meet me at home. Take Crescent Street instead of this one to get there, okay?" I tell her. Though she's unsure, she nods and walks in the opposite direction. Kat approaches me and before she can speak, I talk first.

"We need to talk."

"So why were you hanging out with her?" Kat says, completely ignoring my statement.

"Because I can."

"No you can't. Do you know how bad our reputation could get if your seen with her?" She says.

"I don't care about my reputation, I care about Sabrina. She might have a bad reputation (SHE'S GOT A BAD REPUTATION, SHE TAKES THE LONGGGG WAY HOME; sing along), but I don't care what anyone says (wOw so many Shawn Mendes references). I'm breaking up with her because I'm not determined to keep you, but instead I'm determined to get Sabrina," I say loudly and proudly. She stomps away angrily. Jeez, so dramatic.

As I stand there and take in all that just happened, I hear someone behind me say my name. I look behind me and see Sabrina standing there with a small smile on her face.

"I-I heard everything. I believe you. If you'd let me, I'd-"

"Yes, Sabrina. A thousand times yes, we can get together again!" I exclaim. She chuckles and we start to walk home again. When we arrive home, I see my parents bith heading out the door.

"Where are you guys going?" I ask.

"We're going out for a bit with some of our friends. We'll be back later tonight," my mom tells me.

"Who won?" My dad asks.

"Her," I mumble.

"Nice!" My dad exclaims. Sabrina brightly smiles as they high-five.

"I only lost by two points!" I exclaim.

"Not bad," my dad says, ruffling my hair as he starts to walk to the car with mom. I smile.

"Oh, and there is some pancakes left over that you guys can have for lunch," mom says.

"Okay," I say as Sabrina says, "No thank you."

A concerned look goes on my moms face as we say this.

"Sabrina, have you eaten anything today?" She asks.

"No. I'm not that hungry," she says.

"Oh, okay. I suppose. Just make sure you have something eventually today. I don't want you getting sick," she says as they walk down the steps. We wave goodbye to them as they pull out of the driveway and down the street.

"See Sabrina! My parents are going to notice!" I say, feeling upset that this is really starting to affect her.

"I can't tell them though."

"Why? They would help you, they would do something to help you-"

"That's the thing! I don't want anyone to help me! I feel ashamed that I have this problem, and I really don't want it. Your parents will care way to much and make this a bigger deal than it needs to be. Can't you see that I just really want to deal with this on my own?! No matter what anybody says, I will always feel like this every since that hashtag went viral. That was a horrible feeling that I will never get out of my mind. I don't want anybody else to see what I have gone through. And did you think that your parents might ask you what happened; why and how I became like this? It will eventually get out why it actually did and they might not want us together. They might separate us and I don't want that!" She shouts at me. I'm shocked. I don't even know how to respond. She shakes her head and runs into the house.

To be quite frank, I'm terrified for her. What is in store for her next?

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