Part 45: Falling

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Sabrina's POV

We are out the door before we know it heading to Ariels. We meet Loren along the way. When we meet up with her, her eyes are bloodshot.

"Loren, what happened?" I ask her with concern in my tone.

"Joey and I broke up," she tells me. I look at her sympathetically and give her a hug.

"I'm so sorry."

"Well, it was all for the best," she responds as we pull away. I weakly smile.

"Are you still okay with Joey, Zach, and Ariel having a sleepover along with us still?" I ask.

"Of course. I don't want to cause any drama. Besides, Joey and I are friends now anyways."

"That's good. Come on, let's go then," I say. She puts her bag on her shoulder and walks alongside.

When we finally get to Ariel's, the smell of flowers and chocolate come to my nose. Ariels house always smells so good, usually a lilac smell and maybe some milk chocolate smells too. It's like a blessing to my nose.

"I'm home!" I shout.

"Hey guys! We're in the basement!" Ariel shouts. Jacob chuckles.

"You guys act like your sisters, and you, Sabrina, act like you live here," Jacob says.

"Wait, watch this," Loren says. She looks at me and we nod our heads.

"Ariel! Did mom make her chocolate chip cookies?!" We shout in sync.

"Yeah, they are on the counter if you want some!" Ariel shouts back. Jacob laughs.

"Mom," he repeats out of our words to himself. We each take a cookie and go down into the basement where we see Ariel.

"Hey guys! My mom is gonna be back around 10 tonight, but she's sleeping upstairs so she won't hear us, and my siblings went to sleeping at my aunt and uncles house," Ariel tells us. We all nod.

"So what do you wanna do?" I ask. Ariel rubs her hands together evilly.

"What are you planning to do?" I ask cautiously. She looks at me normally again.

"Nothing. I was just bored. I don't know what to do," she says. I can't but burst out laughing despite the fact that it wasn't even that funny. Oh well, that's just how I am.

"Chill, Sabrina," Jacob hushes me.

"Okay, sorry," I apologize, calming myself down. We all think to ourselves what we could do.

"Ooh! We could-wait, no" Joey says. Loren, Ariel, and I all look at one another. Then we all get a moment of realization at the same time.

"The movie!" We all shout in sync. Everyone laughs.

"It's 4 right now and the movie starts at 7, so let's get something to eat, get ready, and then we can drive there" Ariel says. We all agree on trying a place called Booster Juice. When we get there, we order our smoothies and sit at a table.

"We should all visit Canada sometime. I hear there's this place called Tim Hortons. It's suppose to be really good," I say before taking a sip of my berry smoothie.

"Yeah, I heard it's suppose to be good too," Loren says. We drink our smoothies in a peaceful silence. When we finish, we drive back with Ariel being the driver this time.

The guys get ready in Ariel's brothers room and the girls get ready in Ariel's room. We play music on the Ariel's speaker and Don't by Ed Sheeran is currently playing.

"So how's Jacob been?" Loren asks as she applies mascara onto her lashes.

"He's been pretty good. Are you interested in any other guys?" I ask.

"No, not really," she says. I nod. We all just talk about random things, from topics about school to the newest book we've read. I'm the first one ready, so I start to head down the stairs until I hear the guys talking quietly. I stop and listen behind a wall so I'm not visible.

"I mean, I love her and all, but I don't know if I want to be in this relationship. She just got out of the hospital and stuff. She's been getting hurt and had lots of near death experiences, and I've been the cause of them. I think I should break up with her, I've been causing her so much stress," I hear Jacob say. I stand there, feeling completely dumbfounded and lost.

"If you think it's for the best, then do it. It may break her heart, but if it's for her own good, then do it," Joey says.

"I think I've got it planned when I'm going to do it," he says. I step with my left foot beside me, but I shouldn't have even moved because my clumsy self forgot there was a set of stairs there, and gosh, did it hurt when I fell. Shem I reach the bottom, I curse loudly and sit up.

"Bro! Are you okay?" Loren exclaims, rushing down the stairs with Ariel trailing behind her. When de reaches me, she gently pulls my arm and helps me up.

"Uh, ya. I'm good," I say. I look up and see Jacob, Joey and Zach at the top. I exchange eye contact with Jacob and I see a flicker of disappointed go across his face before he walks away. I mentally scoff. He seriously has the guts to do that after I just listened to him talk about breaking up with me behind my back? I don't think I deserved that, and frankly, I think I had a right to know. This kid is gonna regret looking at me like that.

What's up unirainbows! How are you guys doin?

So here's my update, hope you enjoy it! Sadly, this book will be ending soon. Do you guys want me to make a sequel to it or nah? Comment please!

QOTD: What colour eyes and hair do you have? My hair is a mixture of different blondes, and even some brown. Like the other day I found a black strand and on the way down it turned light brown and then blonde. It kind of freaked me out. Anyways, and my eyes are ocean blue, if you use the technical terms.

Bye my unirainbows!

- Kay

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