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Suicide's POV
I wake up in Ashley's arms, but Ashley is still asleep and he won't wake up. "Ashley wake up babe. Come on" I say and shake him, but he doesn't make a sound. "ASHLEY!!" I scream and start to shake him really hard; I check his pulse and it's barely there. "ANDY HELP!!! ASHLEY IS BARELY BREATHING HELP!!" I tell and jump into Andy and Nicole's bunk "COME ON HELP!!" I yell and start to cry. Andy jumps up and picks Ashley up and runs to the car "Come on Suicide are you coming to the hospital?" Andy asks "NO JUST GO HURRY!" I yell/scream crying harder now; Andy speeds out of the drive way and I go to the bathroom. I get the one thing I haven't used in a long time; My razor blade. I stare at the metal in my hand for a while; then finally, I slice my skin. Deeper and deeper, the cold metal feeling good as it goes deeper. I cut my arm up all the way to my elbow than Nicole knocks on the door. "SUICIDE OPEN THE DAMM DOOR. I KNOW YOU HAVE DEPRESSION AMD I DON'T WANT YOU TO HIRT YOURSELF" I hear her yell than I hear a lot of footsteps coming towards the door. I hear banging on the door than it opens and everyone barges in. "Sui- Oh- som-" that's all I hear than I see blackness.
---- Time flash----
Ashley's POV
I wake up in a hospital bed and start to freak out, then Andy and Nicole wall in; Nicole had tear marks all over her face. I knew something happened to Suicide. "Where's Suicide?" I ask and Nicole looks at me, she starts to talk but starts crying again. "Andy you tell him" she says and walks out. "Ashley you have to stay calm or you'll pass out again." Andy says and walks over and closes the door, "Yeah okay whatever. Just tell me what happened" I say and look at Andy; "Suicide has server depression, and when you wouldn't wake up, she cut from her wrist to her elbow" Andy says and I stay quiet; then it hits me. What he just said, and I lost it. "WHAT THE HELL?! WHERE IS SHE?! I HAVE TO SEE HER NOW!" I yell and pull the IV's out of my arm and jump up and storm out of the room. I walk up to the front desk and ask the lady were she is "How are you related?" The lady asks causing me to want to choke her. "Boyfriend" I say and she tells me the room number "Room 215" she says and points to the direction. I run and barge in the room. I see Nicole and run over to Suicide, she is passed out and way paler than she was before. "Suicide it's okay. I'm okay. Come on wake up. I can't do this without you please just wake up come on. I-"I start to cry "I love you. Please just wake up" I say and hug her. She doesn't wake up and I scream, "Please please" I whisper. I hear her moan and I look up. "Suicide?!" I say and Nicole comes over, Suicide opens her eyes and as soon as she see's me she takes the IV's out of her arm and is in my arm. "ASHLEY!" She says and kisses me, "Oh my Jinxx what happened?!" She asked freaked out until she seen her arm. "Oh... I- I'm sorry" Suicide says and starts crying. She signs something behind my back and Nicole leaves the room. A few seconds later the nurse comes in, "Suicide I'm gonna take- Never mind you already did it. Okay. Both of you can go home." The nurse said and we thanked her and went home. As soon as we got there we all fell asleep. Me and Suicide in our bunk,  Andy and Nicole in there's, and the rest of the band in there's.
Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a while but SURPRISE haha. Sorry about the wait I got busy with school -aka hell- anyways tell me what you think peace out Army!

Adopted by BVB- DISCONTINUEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora