Freak out

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Okay so short Authors note before that fan fic begins. The whole story will most likely be written in Suicide's POV so if I don't put who's POV It's Suicide's. If you want someone else's POV just comment and I will put it.
When I wake up Andy wasn't beside me. I freaked out at first but then remembered he always wakes up at around 9ish and I always wake up at 12ish (am). I got my phone and checked the time than immediately went back into panic mode. It was only 4 am. I flew out of the bunk and ran around looking everywhere. He wasn't in a separate bunk or in the bathroom or on the couch. I ran outside and started looking and yelling, but getting no answer. I had to wake Nicole up but I didn't want to run back to the bus so I knew she would hate me for this but... Oh well. 3...2...1... *Stubs toe* "FUCK!" I yelled. That really hurt GAHD. She ran out and tackled me. "What the hell was that for?!" She whisper yelled. "Andy disappeared and I can't find him anywhere" I said and we both got up and looked everywhere. We still didn't find him, we got all the band members and every band that was at the venue to help us look. No one knew where he was. So I figured a crazy fan managed to get a hold of him, thank Jinxx I had a electric guitar. I set it up on a stage near the camping spots for all the fans. I turned the volume all the way up and started playing Perfect Weapon, waking everyone up. I got a mic and turned it on when everyone was out of there tents. "ALRIGHT! ANDY BIERSACK HAS GONE MISSING! ONE OF YOU CRAZY ASSES HAVE HIM! RETURN HIM NOW OR I'LL DO WHAT I DID TO ASHLEY TO YOU BUT A HELL OF A LOT WORSE" I yelled into it and had Ashley come on stage. One of the fans started laughing then went back in there tent. I ran over to them and went in their tent, I searched everywhere till I found a little space in the ground. I jumped in it and fell a little ways down. Ignoring the fact that there is a ladder. I got down there and found Andy, I cut all the ropes on him off with a pocket knife that said 'The Morticians Daughter' on it that Andy gave to me. We ran up the ladder and went to go out of the tent. The guy that was in the tent stopped us and wouldn't let us out at first. But then the WHOLE BVB Army made him regret that, when we got back to the bus everyone went back to sleep. Except for me, I stayed up and watched and growled, literally growled at every sound I heard. C.C. got up to use the bathroom and I growled and almost bit him because I didn't know who he was. Andy woke up and told me to go to bed that he would be fine. I kept refusing. Till Nicole got tired of me not sleeping so she just knocked me out. She hit her head on the top of her bunk and knocked both of us out.
I got REALLLYYY bored and decided to update haha. Suprise! Anywhore
Thanks and Peace out BVB Army!

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