We're home.

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1 month 25 days into pregnancies.

Suicide's POV

We just got home, it took like 3 days. Andy and I are sitting on the couch, everyone else is at their house either sleeping, eating, or doing nothing at all. We're watching 13 Reasons Why because I read the book and am just now watching it. I'm laying down with my head in Andy's lap, and he's messing with my hair; so I'll probably fall asleep in a few minutes, most likely. Oh, Nicole is staying with our dad, seeing as she has no boyfriend to stay with.


Andy's POV

I look down at Suicide after a few minutes, and she's fast asleep. I keep messing with her hair for a little while longer then grab the remote, and changing it to Batman, of course.

A couple minutes later C.C. decides to burst in through the door, almost waking suicide up. "Christian you could've awoken the pregnant ladt, and for all you know we could've been fucking for all you know." I say and he puts his hands up in surender.

"Well the day I see that will probably be the day I learn to knock" He says and shrugs. "No it won't" Suicide mumbles and falls back asleep. I guess the door opening did wake her up. "What do you need, Coma?" I ask and he shrugs. "Everyone else told me to get out, and I have no one at my house. Everyone else does. Jake has Nicole, Jinxx has his parents over, Ashley has some girl over, and you have Suicide" he says and pouts a little. "Awhhhh does C.C. need a girlfriend??" Suicide laughs and sits up, looking at him. He smiles and nods a little "I believe so."

Suicides POV
We hear a knock at the door and I get up, opening it. There's a girl I've never seen standing there. "Hi, uhm. Is Andy here?" She asks and smiles a little. I get kinda nervous but hope it's just a fan or something.

I turn around and look at Andy, "What's wrong babygirl?" He asks and stands up, walking over to be and wrapping an arm around my waist then looks at the girl.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" He asks and looks at me, then back to her. "I'm Shea, you're little sister. My boyfriend, Kellin, is back there in the car. He told me where to find you." She says and smiles a little.

~A/N Name: Shea
Hair style: a  batman undercut with short black hair on top
Hair color: Midnight black
Piercings: shark bite lip rings, middle nose ring, both ears have every piercing
Boyfriend: Kellin Quinn
(Andy's little sister)~

Andy looks confused, "Sister? I don't recall having one" He says and looks at her. "Who's this?" She asks and looks at me. "Uh, this is my gir- I mean Fiancee" he says and smiles down at me, "This is Suicide, my fiancé and the mother of our child." He says and nods like he's proud. I smile and she nods, "Alright, well I'm Shea, I'm sure y'all know Kellin." She says and we nod. "Well, nice to meet y'all." She says and turns around. "Wait, Shea. Do you and Kellin want to hang out or something? We can go out to eat tomorrow if y'all would like to" I say and she nods. "Yeah, sure. I'll be back sometime tomorrow" she says and gets in the car, Kellin waves then drives off to wherever.

Andy and I sit back on the couch and after a few hours C.C. goes back to his house. We fall asleep shortly after.

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Anywhore, update. Woo.

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