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When we get to the ice cream shop we order what we want then go outside to the car to eat, I don't like eating in front of people, hell I barely like eating in front of Andy. I'm literally hiding my face and eating right now. "Suicide" Andy says and I can tell he is staring at me, "Yesss?" I say and look at him after I swallow the ice cream that was in my mouth, "Why do you look away from people when you eat?" he asks and I know for a fact my face went paler then it is, which I didn't know was possible. "I-I ummm I" is all I can say, well I look dumb asf. Great. Since that was all I can say, I just look down and the console, that is until Andy lifts my chin up and makes me look him in the eyes. Dammit plan failed. "You can tell me, it's okay" Andy says with soft eyes, I swear if I were standing my legs would go to jelly if he looked at me like that. "I umm, I just d-don't like eating in front of people, I never have" I say and he keeps looking at me "and the stuttering?" He asks and I sigh, very loud. "That's a nervous habit" I say and try to look down again, but he ain't havin it, nope. "and the looking down?" He asks, I swear he notices everything I do. "T-that's what I do when I get scared or nervous, or both" I say and try once again, to look down but noooo. I have to keep looking into Andy's eyes. "Okay, so which is it now? Scared of nervous?" he asks still looking at me, "B-both" I say and once again try to look down which fails again. "Why are you afraid?" "I'm afraid that when I tell you things that are wrong with me, then you won't love me anymore, you're so perfect and I'm well, far from it" I say and his eyes soften more, as mine get tears coming out of them. Shit. I've never cried in front of anyone. Stupid hormones. "Baby I'm not perfect, everyone has problems, yours just make you even more perfect, a lot of people don't have problems like you, which makes you different, which makes you better then perfect. Don't ever think that I would stop loving you, I love you more than I could ever scream" he says and I'm actually crying now. He reaches over and hugs me which I return as a reflex, I would hug him even if it wasn't a reflex though. I mean who wouldn't? "Shh shh baby don't cry" he says "I-I'm not trying to, it's these fucking hormones, they're killing me" I say and laugh a little. The ride home is quiet, besides Mitch screaming through the speakers which I'm enjoying very much. When we get home and walk through the door I'm attacked by C.C. for some reason, I laugh until I notice he is crying. "C.C. what's wrong?" I ask him and hug him. He pulls back and takes me to his bunk, then sits me down and looks at me still crying, which brakes my heart. "You can't freak out okay?" He says and I look at him trying to keep a straight face full of worry, but my hormones are screaming at me to freak out and ask what happened. "Okay, what's wrong?" I ask staying quiet. "Okay so, Ashley and Nicole where fighting, I don't remember why, Nicole said something to Ashley and something in him snapped, he full on punched her in the face, very hard, which caused her to fall, when she fell he started kicking her" at this point I can't here anything he is saying. Everything is silent, I'm crying tears of anger and sadness, I'm feeling all kinds of emotions. "Where is he?" I ask cutting him off. He points to Ashley's bunk and I'm moving towards it before I even know I'm getting up. I get to it and yank the curtain open, almost pulling it off the hooks. He looks at me and his face goes from worry to terror in seconds, he lets me pull him out of his bunk and pull him outside. He is willingly letting me. He knows he fucked up, he knew this was gonna happen.
2 hours later
I walk back inside with Ashley's blood all over me (no he isn't dead) and everyone gasps. Ashley is out back knocked smooth out, maybe with a concussion but who cares? He let me beat the shit out of him. I go to the bathroom and wash off them get in the car to go to the hospital where Nicole is. I pull into the parking lot and ask what room number "What is your relation?" the lady asks and I swear I would rip her head off her shoulders if it wasn't for the kids behind me sitting in the waiting room chairs. "Sister" I say trying to stay calm. She tells me the room number and I take off running. I get in there to find Nicole attached to machines, the beeping is killing me, I'm terrified it's gonna stop beeping and go flat. She has bruises and cuts everywhere. It makes me want to go kill his ass, I walk beside her and grab her hand. She's so cold, "Nicole come on, you know I can't make it through this without you, please, please wake up" I say still holding her hand. I've been saying things like this for about 20 minutes when I decide to give up, till her grip tightens on my hand. I look back up at her, her eyes start to flutter open. I let go of her hand and go into the hall way "NURSE NURSE HELP" I say and a nurse rushes into the room.
30 minutes later
"Alright Nicole you are free to go" she says after we finish sighing her out. When we get home she looks at me. "What did you do to him?" she asks and I take her out back. Surprisingly he is still there unconscious. "That" I say and point to him. She gasps then hugs me. I think of something and push her back then look at her. I put my hand on her stomach and look at it then back up to her. "Is it okay?" I ask her and she nods, I pull her back into a hug and that's how we stay for 5 minutes straight till we hear a groan from besides us. Shit.
Evil I know haha. I had to though, do you think they will stay together? Or will Nicole brake it off and find someone else? Haha
Peace out ARMY!

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