Brake up and switch up?

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Suicide's POV
I wake up and Andy is still next to me, I wake him up which is very hard. Gahd that man can sleep through a war. I eventually got him up and I sensed something wrong with Nicole again. I went to her bunk and she wasn't there, I felt a pain on my wrist and knew she started cutting, we have a weird connection that makes us be able to do it. -A/N We can actually do this irl. It's awesome- I think for a second and find out where she is. I run to the bathroom and the door is locked, I hear her crying and water running. "NICOLE OPEN THE DOOR" I tell but get no reply "I WILL KNOCK THIS DOOR DOWN, I HAVE DONE IT BEFORE YOU KNOW I HAVE. YOU HAVE 5 SECONDS" I yell and still get nothing. I count to five *BANG* I hit the door once. Nothing. *KICK* nothing *BANG BANG BANG BOOM* down goes the door. I see Nicole laying there. I check her pulse. It's barely there. I run out holding her body getting many questions. Andy and the guys all go to the hospital, I stay behind alone. About 3 minutes after they left I was alone and started listening to music. Or so I thought I was alone. Ashley walked in, got in my bunk, and pushed me down and started to take my clothes off. "ASHLEY ABROCKET PURDY GET OFF!" I hear Andy yell and Ashley is off. Andy throws him outside and locks the door. I started crying and Andy held me close. "Where are the guys and Nicole?" I ask "I felt something was wrong so I told them to let me out and continue with Nicole" he said and I thanked him. We stayed like that for a while then I felt his gaze on me. I looked up and met it, We leaned in and kissed. -I wouldn't actually do this to you Nikki- we realized what we were doing and stopped. Ashley smashed a window and came in. I screamed and hugged Andy tighter. He comforted me and wouldn't let Ashley near me. I looked up and Ashley was right there. I looked him in the eyes. "It's over, we're over" I said and looked away. Andy get him to go away and just hugged me. "Hey Suicide" he said "Yes Andy?" I asked, "me and Nicole broke up yesterday, BEFORE you freak out! I didn't brake up with her I promise. But I have a question." He said. "Okay?" I said/asked. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and I hid my face because I'm sure it's bright red. "Yes Andy" I said and we both fell asleep right there, him holding me tightly making me feel safe.

----- 2 hours later-----
"ANDY SUICIDE WE ARE BACK!" C.C. yelled. "I jumped up and went to check on her. She was fine, she was thinking of her parents and missed them. Ashley walked in and kissed her right there, Infront of me. Does he think I care? "Pfft funny Ash" I say and sign to Nicole that we broke up. She signed back 'I know we started dating like 5 minutes ago' and I laughed and signed back 'Andy and I started dating a little after you left' and we both laughed. "Good luck with that" I say and walk off. Me and Nicole get our stuff from our ex's bunks and move it all to our new bunks. After that we all went to bed until Nicole screamed. I was up and into action before Andy was fully awake. Before I could even think Ashley was on the ground getting his face impounded by my fist, kicked in the ribs, and I'm the dick. "Touch her one more time Purdy Boy, it'll be the LAST thing you EVER do. Now go to bed before I put you in a permanent sleep" I say and walk off after hugging Nicole. Then we all go to bed without anymore interruptions.
SO SO SO SORRY ABOUT NOT UPDATING! Well it's not like many people actually read this haha. But still to those who do. I'M SORRY! I haven't had time with school and drama *cough cough* Shawn -Nicole knows who it is- Anywhore I'll try to update more often. Even tho I say that a lot. I really do try but it's hard. Anywhore -again- Peace out Army!

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