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Suicide's POV-  2 days left of tour 1 Month 22 days into pregnancy.

I wake up from my phone going off, I look and it's Andy calling. I answer
A- Andy
S- Suicide

A- Hey babygirl, sorry if I woke you. We have a show in a couple minutes and I didn't want you to freak out when you woke and I wasnt there.

S- Okay Andy, thanks for telling me. Can I go back to sleep or do you need something?

A- No, just figured I'd tell you. You can come watch if you want. We're doing a throw back show so The Morticians Daughter and other songs like it will be played.

S- I'm coming. Be there in 15 ish minutes maybe.

A- Okay, I love you bye.

S- I love you too, bye.

I hang up and get up, put clothes on, brush my teeth and some what brush my hair. I put basic makeup on and leave a note for Nicole, then leave the bus, walking to the stage area. I walk up to the side stage just before Andy goes on, he hugs me then runs on the stage and yells some words into the microphone to get the crowd hyped up. They cheer and he explains how the show is going to be, then starts playing the first song.

The song list-
The Morticians Daughter
Fallen Angels
Perfect Weapon
Knives and Pens
We Stitch These Wounds

He waves to the crowd then waves for me to come on stage.

"I'm going to have a very special lady come on stage real quick" He says and has C.C. drag me out from the side stage.

"Andy I swear I'm going to kill you later" I say as C.C. puts a mic set on my head, causing everyone to hear what I said and laugh. My face turns red, as I hate being on the stage.

Andy takes my hand and looks down at me smiling, I look up at him and glare playfully. He laughs causing the crowd to cheer, just because his laugh is amazing. I smile and he leans in a little. The crowd gasps as he kisses me, then they cheer very loudly. "Shhhh guys be quiet. Y'all are frikin loud" I say into my mic and they slowly get quiet. "Whoa they listen." I say and laugh, letting go of Andy's hand. I give C.C. the headset back and go back to the side stage and mentally curse at Andy for doing that.

He waves the crowed goodnight and walks back to where I am, hugging me. "Andy, I have to kill you now" I say and laugh a little.

He smiles and looks down at me

"You couldn't kill me, you love me too much"

"I'm going back to the bus, now" I say and turn around, walking to the bus.

I get on the bus and I hear Nicole, it sounds like she's crying.

I practically run to her bunk and she's actually just laughing so hard she's almost crying, and non other than Brayden is sitting next to her. I fall over onto her lap, "You made me run 10 feet across the bus to get to you" I say acting like I'm dead.

"I think she needs mouth to mouth, go for it, Nicole" Brayden says and I fly up, playfully hitting his arm.

"Not allowed, bad. Nicole, Brayden needs mouth to mouth" I say and her face gets so red, it's unexplainable. I laugh and tell her what Andy did, then go to Andy and I's bunk waiting for him to get back from the meet and greet.

The Army doesn't know about me being pregnant yet, and I don't think Andy wants to tell them until we have to because they'll go crazy and some of the fans are overly obsessed and yeah, not good. That would be complete chaos.

-Time skippppp. Next day cause yeah that wasnt getting far last day of tour (y'all know what that means)-

I wake up and Andy is next to me this time, it's the final day of warped tour. After that, we go to our houses. I don't know what Nicole and Brayden are going to do, I gotta ask her about that.

I carefully move out of Andy's grip, which I'm getting good at doing, and walk to Nicoles bunk to thankfully find her awake. "Hey, so I have a question" I say and she looks up at me.

"I may have an answer."

"Okay, so after today everyone is going home and everything, what about you and Brayden?" I ask and her face goes pale. "I uh- I didn't think about that." she says and I nod, getting up and going back to the bunk to find Andy waking up.

I smirk a little and whisper 'Batman' in his ear, causing him to fly out of bed and land on the floor. I fall over laughing so we're even other then the fact he slammed into a wall before the floor broke his fall. I found it funny, he did too surprisingly. He seems to he in a really good but nervous mood today, I wonder.

"So baby. I have another concert today and you and Nicole need to be there, and you might want to dress kind of formal" he says and smiles a little

"I uh- okay. Why?" I ask and he shrugs

"You'll find out when that time comes. You have" he checks his phone "3 ish hours till you need to be there, I have to go to a sound check so, I'll see you in a little while" he says and kisses me, then gets dressed and leaves.

I just sit there for a second then get up and tell Nicole everything, she nods and smiles. "I know why, but I'm not telling you" she says and smile. "That's so not fair. Anywhore, help me get dressed and everything" I say and she nods, getting up. I follow her and she gets some of her clothes, not letting me see what the clothes are. She leads me to the bathroom and makes me close my eyes. "Don't even peek" she says and has me get dressed with my eyes closed, which is a struggle because I'm clumsy.

"Okay, done" I say and hear her laugh a little "You look amazing, good. Now sit" she leads me to the toilet and has me sit on it, then does my makeup.

She tells me to open my eyes like 2 hours later.

I look in the mirror and jump a little, I don't even recognize myself. She did a black smoky eye, light foundation and blush and everything else.

The clothes are black for the most part. New black skinny jeans, a black dress/shirt thing that goes to my thighs. It looks really cool. She walks with me to the stage area after getting herself ready, smiling the whole time.

Andy finishes In The End then smile at me, telling everyone I'm coming on the stage. He has Nicole walk out and stand behind me, as he gets on one knee. Everyone, including me, gasps and I turn and look at Nicole. She turns me back around and now Jake is standing behind Andy.

"Suicide, you mean the world to me. I couldn't live another day if I lost you, and I don't know where I'd be if I didn't meet you. I love you so much, please, make me the luckiest person alive and marry me?" He asks pulling a ring with a small Batman shaped diamond on it out.

I smile and nod "Yes I will. Now stand up" I say and wait for him to stand, then pretty much tackle him and hug him.

He smiles and puts the ring on my finger, then starts talking again. "Oh and we have one more surprise for everyone tonight. Suicide AND Nicole are pregnant. Suicide with my child, Nicole with Ashley's although they are no longer together" Andy says and everyone cheers and everything.

I look at Jake and walk up to him, hugging him. "Thank you, dad" I say and hug him.

"For what?" he asks and I shrug. "Letting Andy do that" I say and he smiles. "No problem" he says then C.C. runs up and hugs me. "My sister is engageddddddd" I says and picks me up, making me laugh.

We walk back to the bus and get on, starting the long journey back to the houses, everyone happy. Nicole decided to come with us, and Brayden is moving down soon so it all worked out. Everyone is happy at the same time for once, I wish it could be like this all the time.

Sooooo I finally updated. Anyways, tell me what you guys think. Andy and Suicide are finally engaged.
Everything is going good, should I make something go wrong or no? Tell me what you think.

Peace out Army 👋

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