Moo mada faqa moo

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So me and Nicole are planning a prank to pull on Andy and Ashley. We got Jinxx, Jake, C.C., and Jakob in on it, the prank is gonna make them think we've gone missing. The thing is though, we are gonna be hidden in plain sight practically. I'm gonna be hiding in a cabinet under the bathroom sink and Nicole is gonna be behind the shower curtain, and the fun begins after we hide.
------ time flash after hidden and realization we are gone-----
Jinxx pointed out that he hadn't seen us, and managed to keep a straight face as Andy and Ashley got their phone out and called us. We thought ahead and put our phones on vibrate, we where gonna text one another so 1. We don't get bored and jump out early and 2. We know when to jump out. Andy and Ashley ran off the bus and came back after about 2 hours and both went to their bunks and cried. Then me and Nicole text each other
S- Suicide N-Nicole
S- Should we jump out? I feel bad.
N- Yeah prob, I do too.
S- Okay 3...
N- 2...
S- 1...
N & S- GO!
I ran straight to Andy's bunk and Nicole straight to Ashley's, I hugged Andy and he pushed me off thinking I was one of the guys. Then he looked up and saw me, then immediately pulled me into a hug and started crying harder. I couldn't even laugh at my own prank I felt so bad, and Nicole felt the same. I could sense it. Me and Andy just say there hugging them we pulled apart and just laid there. My head on his chest his arms wrapped around me securely, making me feel safe. Ashley lust be doing the same to Nicole because she feels safe too, which is good. Then I start to laugh uncontrollably. Andy is on top of me tickling me. "Andyyy. Stop." I say in between laughs and breaths. "Your prank want very funny" he said still tickling me. "Andyyy.  Staaapppp" I say in between laughs and breaths again. "Okay" he says and smirks then we are making out. Him still on top of me, my breath taken away by surprise. The make out got a little heated. Okay a lot heated. Then shirts where off, then pants, than underwear and my bra, then protection was put on. Then it happened. Boom. Right then. Right there. I lost my virginity to Andrew Dennis Biersack, lead singer of Black Veil Brides and saviour to many. So many girls would want this, and out of all the girls in the world, it's me. I have this. I have what most girls would only dream of. I'm pretty sure the same thing is going through Nicole's head at the moment, just without Andy Dennis Biersack and with Ashley Abrocket Purdy. Our little 'talk' I guess went on for about an hour or so before we finally went back to sleep.
So I update when I'm bored, and right now, I'm dying so. Yeah. There are like major relationship goals in this chapter SavanaHall101 knows why I'm saying that. Anywhore.
Peace out Army!

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