So long my friend.

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When I wake up Andy is in the bathroom, and I really have to go. "Andyyyyy" I said and knocked on the door, "yess?" He asked and opened the door. I just pushed past him not caring if he was still in the bathroom or not and pee'd. He looked at me weird and continued fixing his hair, the I walked over to him and blocked the mirror view. He kept trying to move around so I wasn't in front of him but I just followed his every move. "Uhh Suicide" he said and I just looked at him and licked his face, he tried to move again then looked at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and he used that as a make out offer. He leant in and we started making out, then he picked me up and set me out of the bathroom, pulled back, said "Love you" then closed the door. I just sat at the door till he opened it causing me to fall on his feet. "Well hello" he said and laughed a little before helping me up. He went out side to smoke and I went into the bunk area, only to see Jakob packing all of his stuff. "Jakob? What are you doing?" I asked and he stopped and looked at me, then started packing again before he started talking. "I'm moving out and moving in with Alex" he said and my eyes started to tear up, I tried to hold it in but I couldn't. I fell to the floor and just cried. My best friend was moving and I would probably never see him again. Ever. He didn't notice till I screamed and started crying harder. He came over to me and hugged me. Then after a while started crying himself. I got up and ran to Andy and begged him to let Alex tour with us so Jakob wouldn't leave. He said no then turned and seem how much I had been crying. Then said yes. I ran back to Jakob's bunk but he wasn't there. His stuff was gone. He was gone. A part of my heart was gone. A piece of me was gone. I ran outside to catch him only to see him in Alex's car and it take off. I called him but his phone went off in his bunk. There was a note beside it, Dear Suicide, I'm sorry I left without a real goodbye. I will never forget about you and I hope you never forget me, I left my phone so I could leave my past behind. We probably won't ever see each other again and I know that this all destroys you, but I'm so sorry, I just had to go. Love, Jakob. I screamed, punched a wall, then cried more than I ever have. I clutched Jakob's phone and the note close to me as it was the only thing left of him. Then I had an idea to get him back. I had. To. Get. Him. Back. I couldn't survive without him. I got his phone out and went through his contacts till I found Alex's number. I got my phone out and dialed it 479-555-9945 and pushed the call button. He answered after a few rings. I acted like a business person. "Hello yes, is this Jakob Greenfield?" I asked and heard the phone being moved. "Yes?" I heard Jakob's voice say and started crying but played along a little longer. "Yes, well why did you leave?!" I screamed into the phone then talked again "Andy told me you and Alex could both come on tour with us, I come to tell you, and see my best friend who is like a second half to me, is gone" I say and start crying harder he stutters "I- I- I'm sorry Suicide, I D-didn't thing Andy would let another person stay. I-I'll ask Alex" he pulled the phone away from his ear and I could only hear mumbles "he-he doesn't want to I- I'm gonna stay with him" I screamed loud and started crying and hitting walls. He stayed on the phone and tried to calm me down. I heard him talking to Alex "I'm sorry Alex I can't leave her like this. either your gonna have to come stay with me and her and the band or I- I can't be with you." He said and I got quiet. Alex got mad, took his phone back, and spoke into it "if you want him, come and find him or you'll never see him again" then the call ended. I got Andy and told him I was going to find him. Everyone got in a car and I called the cops and had them keep track of where the number was going. I ended up and a really old creepy cabin. I didn't care. I walked in and stayed quiet. I searched for Jakob. I eventually found him and untied him, ran with him to my car and sped off to the bus. I called everyone and told them I had him. Me and Jakob sat there hugging and crying till everyone got back. Then we all went to bed.
Sorry for not updating! School just got out so I should be updating a bit more. Anywhore
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Peace out Army!

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