Chapter 2

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Spending his whole day in the studio with glen and mark is always amazing. They're writting songs as usual. He really loves to write songs especially when he is inspired. His dad is his first inspiration in all.

While writting songs and chatting with his mate his phone rang. He look at his phone on the table and screen says irma's calling.

"She missed you, dan." Mark.

"I know. I'll answer this first. Wait a seconds" He said and pick up his phone. He stayed at his seat because is not awkward for him if they heard what he and irma's talking about.

"Hi babe!" He answered.

"Hi babe. I miss you. How are you?" Irma from the other line. That is one of the reason if why he fell for her because she is caring about him even tho he is too far from his girlfriend.

"I'm always fine, babe. I'm writting songs with the lads here in the studio. You, how are you? And how's nikoleta?" He asked.

"I'm great and nikoleta as well. She is having fun with her friends here in the house." Irma replied.

"That's great! so you will not get boring there, i swear. There's a lot of kids it's fun to watch them. I wish i was there so that i can cuddle with you." He said and the lads are laughing at him but not that loud. He kick them slightly.

"I wish too. Anyway take care i just called to know if how was you're doing. Have fun babe and let's meet soon. I love you."

"I love you too. I will try my very best if i can have more days for day off." He said.

"Sure, babe.Anyway i have to go now. Take care, babe."

"You too. I love you." With that the call ended. He put down his phone on the table again.

"Childish!" Glen said and they laugh except him

"Atleast i have a girlfriend." He said and put his tongue out of them. They laugh out loud.

"Glen will find someone too." Mark joke with that glen stopped from laughing.

"You have to move on mate. I'll find you someone." He said and winked at glen.

"You'll feel the same danny if you are broken hearted." Mark replied

"Well i'm not broken hearted i'm happy with my girlfriend." He said. "I'll introduce you to jessie." he said and trying to irritate glen.

"Jessie is yours! Shut up!" Glen said and he laugh

"ahm what if let's go to the pub? we will find a lot of girl out there. " Danny said with a sarcastic voice.

"Go on with yourself." glen said. Danny laugh even mark.

He started to sing the man who can't be moved. Glen is just sitting there and shooking his head. Mark joined to danny.

"I'm the mannnn who can't be moveedddd" Mark and danny in chorus at the last part. They laughed except glen.

"If i got moved on, who are you two, to me!" Glen said. Both guys laugh.

"Oh sorry! Don't worry mate i'll contact someone for you. She is sexy." Danny said and getting his phone from the table.

"You don't ever dare me!" Glen said and danny's phone is ranging again.

"Your girlfriend again?" Mark asked.

"No. unknown number. Hang on." He said and excused himself.


"It's danny cohen. My book is ready and my flight is tomorrow morning from here in dublin to uk. He said our flats are ready and yes four coaches are just next to each others' door." He said when he come back from his seat.

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