Chapter 30

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The show is finally over and Tom's Team won the title of The Voice first grand champion in UK. Everybody's happy though for the winner, The finalists were happy as well coz they never thought they go too far from their expectations.

They all went to the after party..

Everything went well, as everyone enjoying every seconds of the moment to be with their coaches and to be with their closest friends they've met on the voice enjoying the after party.

As Danny spending with his team's group same as the other coaches.

But he couldn't help himself not to stare at Jessie every minute.

He promised not to drink too much so that he can do his own plans after this party and also he can look after Jessie.

As some of the artists are busy on talking to each others he decided to go on to ask some tips, maybe he can help him.

But sad to say, will is drunk, He drink too much wine and he knows that he's out of his mind now because everytime he was drunk he won't stop talking nonsense things and make himself laugh, Glad that is here to look after will.

He was looking for tom, but tom is busy as well talking with Mike Ward, his finalist, they might discussing something and he doesn't want to disturb them.

So he has to do this with his own, by himself all alone.


After the after party, He was about to go to Jessie's manager to ask if where she is but suddenly his ex appeared. Oh dang! Not now!

He has no choice, this ex of him want to talk with him even though he already knew what she want to tell him. So he decided to talk with her at the parking lot so no one can spot them just incase.

He stood beside the car there waiting for her to say anything. Few seconds later he heard nothing but felt her lips on his.

He tried to push her away but she didn't let him go.

After less than a minute finally she pulled away.

"Say you still love me!" His ex said.

"What are you saying?! We're over now! Please stop this! We're done and I don't want to be with you anymore! So please get away! Don't you know that I'm with Jessie now?" He almost shout at her.

"But I know you don't love her!" She said. He control myself.

"How can you say that?! Go away and move on now! We're done! We're over! So please listen! I don't love you anymore! Stop following me or else...!" He said and slowly walking backward and run away from her.

He need to find Jessie, He need to talk with her. He wiped my lips, He couldn't believe that he let her do it again. He was in shocked when she suddenly kissed him.

He asked Jessie's manager if where she is, and he told that she walk around, So he keep his feet on walking and almost running the same time just to find her, there's a lot of people here, All the artists, all the people behind the shows are here to celebrate the first successful show.

And h found her sitting outside under the tree with herself alone. He take a deep breath before walking closer to her..

"I was searching for you." He said and hug her but she pulled away after a few seconds. What's wrong with her?

He look into her eyes, She looks not fine, She looks so sad, Why though? She should be happy today! Oh no! Please don't tell him it's because she's missing mike again? NO WAY!

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