Chapter 20

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A week ago after the day when holly and glen talked in private, She's wondering if what they talked about and luckily, it's her day off for a while and Danny is in dublin at the moment, So she invited Holly to come with her with Hailey, Holly's daughter.

The status between her and danny is getting better but nothing is serious, She knew at first it's just a plan but for her it has something. Danny started the plan by tweeting her something to give everyone a hint.

She's currently in the hotel, with Holly and Hailey. Hailey is playing while her and holly is sitting on the bed watching hailey.

"She's growing too fast." She said and holly smiled while looking at her mini.

"I know. She's lovely." Holly said. She looked at her.

"What did you and Glen talked about last time ?" She asked trying to open the topic.

"It's weird.. He got my number because he said he wouldn't let me out of his car if i don't give my number to him." Holly said and now they're looking at each other.

"Really? Did you talked something you know ? And did you tell him about hailey?" She asked.

"Not yet. I'm not ready,to be honest, because i don't know, I think i want to get closer to him first before to tell him about our daughter. I haven't mention to him that i am a single mum." Holly said. "He told me that he like me and i feel guilty for not telling him about our child."She added.

"Are you willing to tell him?" She asked.

"I am. I want him to know that he has a child with me but... I'm still afraid. I don't know if what will be his reaction if i tell him... Maybe he'll get angry or what." Holly answered.

"Danny said he won't, Because suddenly he fell in love with you. Maybe take it slowly." She said.

"But he asked me to meet him again soon." Holly said.

"What did you say ?" She asked.

"It's fine... He said he wants to know me more.. And the last time we talked he told me everything about his life... He has a son with him in dublin." Holly said.

"You have no idea about his son?" She asked.

"I have, of course, i knew him a lot. I actually started to stalk him when hailey was inside me, i stopped when hailey was born, Wasn't expecting that i met him again." Holly said and hailey jumped to her mum.

"I think you like her dad." She said

"I did not!" Holly said.

"Don't deny! I know you hols." She said and they both laughed. "Did you tell your family?" She asked

"I did." Holly said.

"OMG! Really? What did they say?" She asked.

"They liked glen." Holly answered. She creamed with that hailey started to cry.

"I'm sorry!" She said and hugged hailey. Holly laughed. "It's your dad, hailey." She said

"Shut up, Jess!" Holly said.

"I think you're always texting with him." She said.

"I have to reply to him because if i won't, believe me he will call." Holly

"But be honest, do you like him?" She asked.

"Maybe but what if he's taken ?" Holly asked

"I guess he's not. Because dan said Glen loves you and he want to ask you to go out with him for date soon." She said and winked at her.

"Oh... But i'm afraid, I like him... and he has a child with me, But... I don't know. I want to tell him, but it's hard, he might get angry if i do." Holly said, and she knows she's afraid.

"It will be fine, Tell him everything, in the right time, Just make sure to tell him everything so that he ca understand." She said

"I wish he will."

"So when's the next date ?" She asked holly.

"I don't know if it's date because he said he want to bring me somewhere." Holly answered.

"He will suprise you?" She asked.

"I don't know but maybe i will tell him about hailey, It's hard for me to hide my own daughter from him,add the fact that he is the father of my daughter." Holly said.

"That's good. Goodluck then." She said.

"Anyway how are you and Dan?" Holly said. She smiled to hear his name again. But then she realized it's just their plan and nobody knows except the both of them.

"We're great, We'll gonna meet up again on the voice, He's busy with the lads. He's my boyfriend now." She said while smiling but deep inside hurting because she's just a fake girlfriend for danny. For her ? Yes, he's her real boyfriend because she love him as a man.

"That's great. You will tell public ?" Holly asked and she nodded.

"We will." She replied.

As long as their plans are going, Danny is only for her. But she always wish that his ex won't come back.

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