Chapter 3 Under The Mask

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I get home and upstairs and change out of my uniform into a oversized sweater and some pajama shorts, still with a few tears in my eyes I sit at the edge of my bed and realize the only person I wanna talk to right now is right next door, I pull my phone out and scroll to Michael's name and text him 

" Michael.. I need you to hold me"

within a minute after sending that text he replied..

"I'm on my way."

I hear a knock at my back door , still upset upstairs I decide to text him again

" Just come in and come upstairs "

I can already tell it must of been him at my back door seeing is how I heard it close and now I hear footsteps coming upstairs and lone behold he stands in my bedroom doorway . I wish he would take the mask off so I can see his full face, but  I can tell by his eyes that he is concerned.As I'm still holding onto my pillow with a few tears in my eyes as the moon lights up my room he walks over to me and sits next to me on my bed and puts his cold hand on my knee and finally speaks.

Michael- " Brittany are you okay?"

Instead of answering him I climb onto his lap like a child would with their parents and press my head against his chest as he wraps his huge arms around me, cradling me whisper into his chest "Thank you Michael"

He seems confused a little but he is just holding me so gentle and kind, " What are you thanking me for Brittany?"

I wipe away my tears and look at him in the eyes " For being here with me right now, for holding me, I don't understand why me but I like being here with you right now, you make me.."

I stop myself and wipe away a few more tears realizing what I'm about to say but it's true. "Michael you make me feel safe"

He cups my face with his large hands meeting his eyes again with his voice sounding deep but sincere, "Brittany all I want is for you to feel safe with me, the real me."

And what I say and do next I still can't believe I did it, I wrap my arms around his neck straddling him now and whisper in his ear .. " Show me the real you." 

He quickly becomes nervous not realizing what to say, at this point he could either run for life or sit and except what I just said and he just looks at me dead in the eyes and his tone goes from gentle to unsettling like he is nervous.

Michael- " I don't know if you want to see the real me, I don't know if your ready..."

With myself already overcome with emotions I become defensive, and get off of him and stand in front of him as he is still sitting on my bed, my tears have went from sad tears to angry tears..

"Listen Michael I have dealt with a lot of shitty things in my life and a lot of bullshit! And for some reason I don't know what it is but I need you in my life because you make it a lot less shitty so please! I want no I need to see the real you! Please!"

With the final plea I sink down on the floor onto my knees as Michael cups my cheeks his gaze meeting mine as he just simply nods his head.

Michael-"Please don't run after I show you.."

I promise him I won't as I anxiously wait for him to pull it off when I stop him. " Wait, I want to do it.."

As I get off the floor and straddle his lap again I lift my hands up to the bottom of where the mask starts at his neck  his hands are on my waist with a firm grip like he's nervous but he gives me the nod to continue as I slowly take his mask off I notice the scars on his face, his hair is  brown a little bit longer and has some curl to it his eyes are the darkest brown eyes I have ever seen they are almost black. I drop his mask onto the floor and raise my hands up and run my fingers through his hair and touch his soft face and looking deep into his eyes I smile and whisper to him, " Your handsome.." All of a sudden it's  like  he's never heard those words before he pulls me close to him as he kisses me deeply and passionately. I ask him to stay the night with me and he agrees I crawl under the covers into bed before setting my alarm as I gesture him to do the same as he climbs into bed with me and I lay my head on his chest and fall asleep. 

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