Blair Myers

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Our beautiful daughter looks like both of us, ginger hair like I had as a baby, dark eyes like her daddy and lips bright red like mine, she looks so precious my mini me. The next morning we are able to go home we buckle up Blair in her car seat and we get in the car and head home. As soon as we get inside I take Blair out of the car seat and sway her slowly and softly in my arms as she's wrapped in the blanket Lilian made her, I sit in the rocking chair we got and rock back and forth as Michael makes me my first cup of coffee since I only drank  tea the entire time I was pregnant,he sets the cup beside me on the side table when I hand Blair over to Michael I call Lilian as promised she answers on the second ring.

Lilian-"Brittany my dear how are you?"

"Well Momma you might wanna get Papa for this news" I hear Lilian call out for Mark as I hear his voice on the other end of the phone as well 

Lilian and Mark-"We are both here honey what is it?"

"Well last night I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, you are both officially grandparents, and tomorrow I would like you to come over and meet her." On the other end of the phone I hear Lilian crying 

Mark-"We are so happy for you my dear I'm sure she looks  exactly like you sweetheart"

Lilian-"What did you name her sweetie?"

"I would like to tell you both in person tomorrow if that's okay?"

They both agree and the call  ends. Michael is still swaying Blair gently as I sip on my nice warm coffee I smile at him "Your a natural, who would know the infamous Michael Myers would be the world's best daddy." I give him  a wink.

Michael-" Why don't you give Ally and James a call and then I can make us dinner?"

"That sounds like a good idea" I set my phone up for video chat as Michael hands me Blair and heads into the kitchen, I press the video chat button and after a few rings James picks up.

James-"Hey sis how are you doing, wait is that..." As soon as James notices I'm holding my daughter a huge smile goes across his face. 

"James I would like you to meet your niece Blair," I pull back the blanket so he can see her clearly.

James-"Let me go see if Ally is available to talk I think she just put Ella down for a nap, and by the way Blair looks exactly like you."After a few moments Ally comes into frame and she lets out a little squeal as she sees Blair. 

Ally-"Oh my god she is absolutely adorable Brittany I can't wait to see her in person!"

After talking to her for about 20 minutes I enjoy a nice supper with Michael and put Blair to bed. 

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