What Did You Do?

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As per usual I climb through the window and at this point I feel like a fucking ninja with all this climbing in and out of this window. I summersalt into the living room and look up and right there is standing Michael, but I also notice another shadow behind him sitting in the corner of the room. Michael helps me to my feet and turns me to the shadow in the corner of the room the figure stand and has to be easily eight feet tall and really skinny to the point of looking slender, as the figure emerges from the shadow I see that he is in a dark grey suit he's very pale too I don't know if I should ask questions , stand in shock or shake his hand? So I say screw it and extend my hand to his, "Hey I'm Bri" before I can even finish my sentence he cuts me off 

"You are Brittany , Michael has told me about you he seems to have taken quiet the interest in you."

I begin to blush not realizing Michael probably is too now that I have come to realize he only takes his mask off around me and only me. 

Michael- "Britt I made you something and I want you to wear it when you are around me and the other people Slenderman and I hangout with and if we are doing something out of your element so to speak I don't want you to get recognized by the wrong person so here. " 

Michael turns around and hands me a beautiful mask that is red and black velvet lace that covers the top half of my face like one of those masks you wear to a masquerade ball. "Michael this is absolutely stunning did you make this yourself?"

Michael-"Maybe I did"

He turns me around as I hold it to my face and he ties it for me with the silk ribbon that he attached to it, I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror and I feel like a completely different person, like the old Brittany the broken Brittany is just gone, and this new Brittany is confident, fearless even untouchable. 

I come back out as Michael takes my hand and we follow Slender into the darkness. It was probably a three hour drive and we end up in what looks like butt fuck nowhere ,surrounded by trees we are literally walking into a forest and i'm not saying some magical forest I mean like the scariest fucking forest I can think of. My mind is running a million miles a minute trying to figure out what the fuck is happening and what happened.We end up in the middle of the forest before Michael and Slender stop in there tracks . 

Michael- "Were here" he says in a deep tone voice one that's kinds aggestive a side of Michael I never seen before then I also remind myself that he is a serial killer.  

As sketched out as I am I decide to hold onto Michael's hand seeing is how he makes me feel safe. When all of a sudden three other figures appear out of the darkest part of the woods and I nearly shit myself, Michael decides to hold me close just to be on the safe side I'm guessing since there probably hasn't been an "Outsider" so to speak involved in this group of what I'm guessing are serial killers. 

Michael- " Brittany, I'd like you to meet some people.. Over there in the hockey mask is Jason, The one in the striped shirt with a glove on that has knives sticking out of it is Freddy, The pale dude with the permanently cut  smile on his face is Jeff and well you already met Slender." 

They all look me over circling around me like they are either going to cut me into a million pieces right here right now or are going to induct me into this group of misfits, I shift myself from behind Michael and say fuck it and introduce myself.

" Hey guys, i'm Brittany I guess this is the part where you are either going to kill me or I get to figure out what the fuck is going on?"

The pale one in the hoodie, Jeff begins to laugh hysterically as Freddy slaps his shoulder.

Freddy- "It's' a pleasure to meet you Brittany and No we are not here to kill you we are more or less going to fill you in on who we are and what we do along with if your willing to become one of us but if you refuse you are to cut all ties with Michael and never speak of this encounter to anyone."

I stand there with my jaw wide open feeling like it hit the ground I turn and look at Michael as he gives me one simple nod and I realize if I don't hear these guys out or go through whatever initiation is I will never see Michael again and I don't know why but I have this feeling that I can't be without him now so I guess it's time.

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