Am I Worthy Of Death?

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As I sit with Michael in silence until the sun finally begins rising I keep thinking of why and who I have to kill? And why am I the one who Death has been seeking all these years? As a million questions float around in my head Michael kisses me on the forehead and stays in bed with me for the day just sitting enjoying each other when Michael finally asks me.

Michael-"What are you thinking about Brittany?"

I quickly snap out of my daze and glance up at Michael and ask him the same questions I was thinking about and he just shrugged his shoulders not having a single clue until something dawns on him, he grabs my arm and my scythe and we head over to his house. As we enter Michael's house he heads straight for the basement  and finds an old Polaroid Camera along with pictures of him as a child he grabs one in particular of him in a clown costume but in the background is a black mist, he then calmly asks me if this is what I seen in the woods on the path.

Michael-"Did you see this black mist when you were in the woods? DID YOU!" he shouts at me but then puts his head down realizing he shouldn't have yelled at me like he did.

I take the photo out of his hand and place my finger over the black mist and just nod my head but then I hold back saying that I seen more than just black mist I seen him in full form.. And on que its like Michael can read my fucking mind he brings it up.

Michael-"Your not telling me something, tell me now!"

So I begin explaining how I seen death in a grim reaper type of figure wearing a black cloak covering his face but you could see he had glowing red eyes, And a bloody scythe similar to mine but his is larger, Michael stays quiet for a few minutes taking his mask off and reaching over to me and takes mine off and looks into my blood red eyes with his black ones like he's ready to take my soul from my body, and with that he plants a deep kiss onto my lips like he's been hungry for me when we all of a sudden hear voices and footsteps coming from upstairs, Michael quickly puts his mask on as he gestures me to do the same, as I tie mine back on he covers my mouth before I can speak as he pulls out this huge butcher knife and I turn around and grab my scythe he grabs my other hand as we walk up the stairs before opening the door we hear three voices that sound like some drunken teenagers  in the house and one is shouting outside of the house. Michael does not look happy but hell I can't blame him these kids are showing up at his house invading and destroying the place. 

"What do we do?" I whisper to him before he shakes his head 

Michael-" You stay here and do nothing, I can't risk you getting hurt"

I start getting defensive as if I hadn't done things for him to get to this point in my life."Listen asshole I went through an initiation and came face to face with death himself so excuse the fuck out of me that I want to help you with some stupid  teenagers." I walk past him and find one of the teenage girls watching towards the bathroom as I stalk her she's about to shut the door when I raise my Scythe and slash her back as she begins bleeding out I hold my scythe to her throat and slit it like it was nothing to me, as I look at my scythe and seeing it drip blood the color of ruby's I walk back to the hallway where two of the other teens are getting naked like their about to fuck when Michael comes out of fucking nowhere and drives him knife through the girls chest and slits the guys throat. I hear a noise coming from the kitchen when I see this huge muscular teenager who probably a star quarterback on a football team . I sneak up behind him and slash him in the leg as he is crying out begging me to stop he lays on his back as I swing my scythe over my head and come crashing down on him nearly cutting him in half. As Michael enters the room he sees me covered in blood and standing over this random teenagers body holding my scythe,I set it down as i walk over to Michael and hug him. 

"Your not an asshole Michael.. I'm sorry"

He looks down at me "I forgive you Brittany" He says in a calm sweet tone.

I then snap back into reality and realize I just butchered two people and we have to get rid of the bodies. 

"Alright so now what are we going to do because the house now has dead bodies and blood splatter everywhere"

Michael gives me a reassuring nod and pulls out his phone and makes a quick call and within minutes Jeff and Jason are here. Jason is being his normal quiet self as Jeff is bouncing off the fucking walls like he's on acid.

Jeff-"Holy fuck Brittany did you just commit  your first kill?!"

I laugh at how excited he is about it, "Yes Jeff, actually I commited my first two kills" 

Michael shakes his head with a low chuckle then turns into the stone cold serious man again 

"Can you take care of the bodies and get them out of here?"

Jason nods his head as him and Jeff take the bodies away, I find a bottle of bleach and some sponges and look at Michael "Well I ain't cleaning this myself"

he chuckles at me and grabs a sponge. 

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