Chapter 7

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Dress, after dress, after dress.

I must have tried on the whole store, before I found the one.

"Girl you done changing yet?" said Audrey

"Yeah" I walked out of the dressing room.

Audrey's jaw dropped and immediately stood up. I walked over to where all the mirrors were and looked at myself. I've never felt so beautiful in my entire life.

"You. Must. Buy. That" Audrey said.

The dress has a high jeweled collar, it was light blue and floor length. It was beyond gorgeous. I felt like a princess.

"You and James are going to be the hottest couple there!" Audrey said clapping.

I haven't told her that me and James have been on a break for about a week.

"Um yeah... I'm sure we will be" I said grabbing  my arm.

"Nah, you will be" she replied.

I bought the dress and the shoes and everything else I needed for what's supposed to be the best night of Junior year.


We decided to head to Apple Bee's for lunch. It is my favorite restaurant ever.

I ordered a Coke and boneless wings while she ordered water, and a salad.

"Ok there's something you're not telling me" Audrey said propping her hands under her chin.

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to avoid where this was going.

"You can't fucking fool me bitch. There's something going on" she snapped.

"Ok fine, there is. Well me and James are temporarily broken up" I said slumping into the chair and covering my face.

"YOU'RE WHAT?!?" She yelled slamming her hands onto the table.

People nearby started to stare. I also didn't tell her what James did to me, and Kyle. As far as she knows I 'fell' down the stairs.

"Please don't yell" I said shushing her.

"Explain. Now" she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Well I didn't fall down the stairs. I was walking with the new kid Kyle, and James might have gotten jealous and beat him up, and me" I said really fast.

"He beat you?" She leaned in whispering.

"Not technically. I was in the way of his target, Kyle and he shoved me into the lockers" I said. I'm surprised the word hasn't gotten out at school.

She just sat there wide eyed in shock. Our food finally came and we sat there and ate. I didn't want to talk to or about James for a while.

After we ate we paid the bill and Audrey went to the drivers side.

"I'm driving" she said.

"Ok? This is my car though" I said.

We got in and started driving, but words either of our houses.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the woods so I can kill you. Just kidding." She laughed. I didn't think it was funny. " I'm taking you to James's house" she made her face serious.

"No. Why? I don't want to" I said crossing my arms.

"Too bad" she said.

The rest of the car ride was silent. I was very flustered.

A/N: so this is a short chapter but more will be happening in the next few. I know I haven't updated in FOREVER but here is chapter 7!! If you guys want I have my Character Inspiration pictures ready, if you want to see the characters please comment!!!! Don't forget to vote and comment!!

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