Chapter 27

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After the telling everyone fiasco I had no where to go. I can't even stay at my own house. My final resort was Kyle. If his parents will let me stay.

I dialed his number and it rang and rang until the voicemail picked up. I tried again and the same thing happened. Why isn't he answering? I then remembered I put his mothers number in my phone the day we told her. So I texted her:

V: Hi this is Vienna. I have no where to go can I please stay with you?

His mother had instantly responded: Of Course! Kyle is out with his dad for the day.

That explains why he didn't answer.

I went back to my house, and thankfully no one was home. I grabbed the spare that we keep under a rock in the dirt. I opened the door and my stuff was already packed near the front door with a note.

"Don't bother coming for dinner
                         Mr. Barnes"

My dad doesn't even consider himself a father to me anymore. Or let alone one at all, I have no siblings.  I grabbed the boxes and shoved them in my car. I then proceeded to go up to my room. Everything was clean, gone, all within a matter of 24 hours.


After almost a whole day of finishing up my packing and getting lunch, I finally got to Kyle's house and he still wasn't home yet. I walked up to the front door and lightly knocked. Kyle's mom and stepdad greeted me with a smile and ushered me in. There was a hot dinner made and a sign that said: Welcome Vienna and Baby.

It was the sweetest gesture ever. I sat down and ate the dinner which was better than anything my mother has ever cooked. She made oven roasted chicken with a side of carrots and garlic pasta.

"This is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much" he finished up, and she grabbed the plate from me.

"Oh it's nothing" she blushed a bit.

"There's a surprise for you upstairs" Gary gestured for me to follow upstairs.

We all headed upstairs, and they opened a door to a guest room. It doesn't look like anyone has used it.

"This is all yours and the baby's. You can paint it if you'd like" Gary stepped inside the room.

"When I find out what Nugget is, I'll paint it. But for now, it's beautiful" I involuntary gave him a hug. "I'm sorry, Gary" I let go, embarrassed. This is my only second time meeting him.

"Eh, call me dad" and he gave me a hug, that's when I saw Kyle in the door way admiring us.

"Kyle!" I shouted and ran up to him and gave him a hug and kiss.

"I see you're staying here for a while" he smiled.

"Indeed we are" I said stressing the we meaning Nugget.

"Well let's celebrate!" He picked me up bridal style and carried me out to the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"Shopping, for Nugget" he walked to the drivers side and started the car.

Off to the store we go.

A/N- I am really sorry about this update, it's not the best but I'll continue shopping in the next chapter. I just really needed to update. I don't want to leave you all hanging. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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