Chapter 24

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I called the Ob/gyn last night to see if I could make an appointment. They had a spot first thing this morning. This appointment will be a final confirmation and to see how far along I am.

Kyle is picking me up at 8:30 this morning, and Audrey is tagging along because she's the aunt. I don't have any other siblings so she said it would make sense.

When I woke up I took a shower and put on some olive green stretchy shorts and a t-shirt that had buildings on it. I looked in the mirror and studied my reflection. Yes, it maybe too early to start showing, but I looked bloated a bit. Like I ate too much food. I grabbed my cardigan and a black baseball cap and headed down stairs.

"Honey it's 8 in the morning, what are you doing up?" My mom was sitting at the table sipping her coffee before leaving work.

"Uhh Audrey and Kyle and I are going to the zoo" I lied.

"What about James?" She took another sip of her steaming coffee.

"He was busy" again, I lied. All this lying felt terrible. It's not like I haven't done it before though. This secret is just to big right now.

The sound of Kyle's car horn honked outside. I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek, and left.

I hopped into the back seat of the car, and Kyle google mapped the doctors, which is about a half an hour ride.

"I bought his for you" Audrey  handed me a small flower printed trashcan for my morning sickness.

"Thanks" I jokingly rolled my eyes, knowing I'll needing  be being it soon.

Ten minutes later I put the trashcan to good use. The nausea was been better today. I only threw up twice this whole trip. So far it's been 4 or 5 times.

We finally arrived at the office. My hands were sweating and I was beyond nervous. I wake duo to the front desk and looked down at the sign sheet, I signed in and then proceeded back to sit between Kyle and Audrey.

My anxiety was kicking in, my leg started rapidly shaking. Kyle gently placed his hand on my thigh. I shuttered at this jesters, wondering why it made me feel weird. But I think I'm in love with Kyle.

A nurse emerged from the door and called my name. I stood up and walked back, "hi, is it ok if I bring my friends in?"

"Of course, the more the merrier" she smiled. She was very friendly. "My name is Darcy, and I will be your doctor through out your pregnancy" she continued.

She led us back to a room that had a tv and inside and a bed. It was very nice and homey there. She pulled a piece of protective paper across the bed.

"Ok" I smiled.

She was very nice. I would say she's in her 30s and has a darker complexion with very defined cheek bones.

She handed me a pile of paper work and left the room. Name, birthday, ect. After 20 min of paper work I was an official patient here.

Darcy came back and collected the paperwork and then left again to brig it to the front desk. A few short minutes later she came back.

"Ready to see the baby?" She clapped her hands together.

"Yes" I smiled. I climbed up onto the surprisingly comfy bed. I lifted my shirt up and she squeezed the cold gel on to my stomach.

"Alright, well it looks like you're about 6 weeks, so that means we can hear the heart beat" she was pointing at the screen.

I teared up seeing my little nugget. It wasn't very big.

She turned the volume up and you could hear the little flutter of it's heart. I looked over at Audrey and she was crying and Kyle was grinning ear to ear.

"You're baby is about he size of sweet pea, and you'll be due February 20th" she measured it with the tools in the computer.

"It's my little nugget" I smiled.

Everyone laughed, Nugget, that's what he or she will be for now.

Darcy cleaned me up and gave me my first ultra sound pictures of Nugget.

I walked out to the front desk to make my next appointment.

"Ok, so I want to see back here at 15 weeks to discuss a birth plan and then at 20 weeks to find out the gender, if you'd like." she scheduled me into the computer and gave me a printed copy of the dates.

"I definitely will find out" I responded.

We walked back out to the car. Kyle has his arm around my waist. This time I got to sit up front and Audrey in the back.

"So now what? It's only 10 o'clock" Audrey leaned between us.

"We could go to the zoo" I suggested.

Audrey gave me a look that stated, why on earth would we go there.

"Uh why? It smells there" she plugged her nose.

"That's where I told my mom we were going" I turned in my seat.

"The zoo it is" Kyle started driving.

A/N- I'm not going to elaborate on the zoo bc it's not important. I'm so sorry this is late. Next update will be Friday, and there will be a lot of drama. Don't forget to vote and comment! And tell me what you think.

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