Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning still in James's grasp. Loving him was bittersweet. I feel I have done something wrong, that felt so right. I loved him, but I feel I have betrayed Kyle in way I couldn't explain.

I stayed there curled up next to James. The smell of his cologne lingered on my pajamas and in my hair. It gently tingled across my nose. Who knew you could've have missed a particular smell so bad.

I rolled over in his arms to check the time. 8:47am. We're late. I wiggled free from his grasp. I grabbed my pillow and smacked him with it.

"What the fuck Vienna!" He groaned.

"We're late! We have to go!" I said smacking him again.

"You do. I don't. I'm suspended for 2 more days" I rolled over looking at me.

"Right" I looked down at the floor. "I need a ride. Can you give me one?" I asked him.

Ride. Kyle! He was supposed to give me one this morning. I quickly grabbed my phone, I had five missed texts from Kyle.

K: Hey V! Am I still picking you up at 7:45?

K: Vienna?

K: I'm leaving the house now.

K: I'm here. Waiting...

K: I'm gonna take it your not coming. I'll see you at school if you're there.

"Shit" I tossed my phone down onto my bed.

"What?" James sat up in my bed.

"I forgot Kyle was supposed to give me a ride" I shrugged.

"I'll give you one. My cars parked around the corner" he said getting out of bed. "But first I'm gonna take a shower" he headed out of my bedroom and down the hall into the bathroom.

While he was in the shower I got dressed and ready for school. I forged a note to get excused and not marked as skipping.

I was downstairs eating breakfast and James came down and grabbed an apple.

"Ready?" He walked towards the door.

I followed behind him and locked the door.  He grabbed my hand which I hesitated at first and laced his fingers through mine. I feel like we are really coming together again. Slowly, but surely.


We arrived at school. By the time we got there it was already time for math, which Kyle was in that class too.

Before I got out of his car he kissed my cheek. I got out and closed the door. I started walking towards the front door and turned around. He was waiting for me to get inside. I blew him a kiss in which he pretended to catch and then I disappeared behind the glass doors.

I headed to the office around the corner to hand in my note and get a late pass. The ladies in the office were super nice about it.

I got my pass and started heading towards my math class. I entered and sat down. Kyle sat across the isle from me. He turned his head away from his work and looked at me. More like glared. His lips curled into a smile and he started to shake his.

I don't know what his problem was. I gave him a confused look.

"What?" I mouthed.

He just kept smiling and then returned to his work.


The bell rang and Kyle walked out with me. He stopped in front of me and give me that smile again.

"I know what you did last night" he said.

"" I blushed.

"Well I wanted to stop by last night and surprise you to a movie and I happened to go down that street James's car was parked on. And then this morning his car was still there went I came to pick you up. Also you should also learn to close your blinds" he winked and walked away.

I was so embarrassed. I stood there for a minute thinking it over.

"Kyle! Wait up!" I sped walked up to him. "What exactly did you see?" I huffed out, out of breath.

"Enough to know your probably not going to go to prom with me" he was clearly upset. "But I'm happy you guys are together again" he said walking away.

Great. I hope he's not mad at me or James. That's the last thing I need. But I still don't know what I want.

A/N- so this is just another little filler chapter. I hope you enjoyed it!! I'm trying to update a little more often. School will be over in 2 weeks! And I'll have a whole 3 months to write!

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