Chapter 31

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"It's a boy!" Darcy announced. She pulled up the picture in the big television and pointed him out.

"A boy" Kyle whispered. "My son"

His smiled grew and so did mine. I lay there and look at him, while Darcy printed up the pictures.

"Can we do a gender reveal party?" I asked Kyle. I've always seen them on the internet and thought of I ever have kids I'll do one.

"A what?"

"It's a party where you invite all your friends and family and tell them what the gender is. I think it'll be fun" I assured him.

"Sure. We can do one." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly.

Darcy handed us the pictures, and we were on our way out of the office.

My phone started ringing. I looked at the caller and it was Audrey.

"So what is it?" Audrey blared through the other end.

"I can't tell you yet. But I'm think I'm gonna have a little get together tonite night and tell everyone there" I said. "Wear what color you think it is"

"Ok! I'll see you tomorrow" she then hung up.

We walked the rest of the way in silence and to the car.

"I was wondering if I could invite my real dad" Kyle finally spoke up.

"That's great! Did you tell him?" I asked.

"I kinda did... but I don't think he really cared" he shrugged.

"Oh. I'm gonna invite James" I got quiet.


I wasn't expecting him to answer like that. I thought he would say no or something. James and I haven't really talked  since I told him. I don't really see him at school too much anymore. Either he's ditching, or he's avoiding me.

V: Hey James! I was wondering if you'd want to come over to Kyle's place for a gender reveal party.

I waited for a response by there wasn't one.

We got home a half an hour later and told Kyle's parents and his dad and I called my mom. I wasn't expecting my dad to be there, so I didn't even bother to have her ask him. There was still no reply from James. I figured he might not show up.

Later that night after dinner, Kyle went out again, and his mom is taking me out shopping for the party. I bought myself a black dress and Kyle some black pants and dress shirt. I figured we'd wear black seems how we know the gender.

We returned home and to my surprise Kyle's car was parked in the driveway. I walked into the house and upstairs to put the clothes away. I turned on the left lights and there was a small bear and a baby boy onesie that reads 'daddy's all star" on it. Kyle approaches from behind the door with a bouquet of blue roses. I took them from him and sat on the bed, tearing up. He wrapped me into a hug, and kissed the top of my head.


That morning I rose early to help set up decorations. Kyle's mom was up as well helping set up. I was expecting everyone around noon.

Audrey was the first to arrive. She wore a pink dress and pink heels. She handed me a little gift bag. I wasn't really expecting a gift.

My mom arrived wearing pink as well as Kyle's mom, and step dad. A man and woman came in together. The man wore blue and the woman wore pink.

"Vienna, this is my dad and his girlfriend Katrina and my half sister, Logan" Kyle brought me over to them.

Katrina looked like a supermodel. She was tall, with black hair and was very thin. His dad was also tall, probably where Kyle gets it from. He seemed rough around the edges. Logan looked about 10, with long brown hair. She resembled Kyle a little bit. Who also looked like his dad.

"Nice to finally meet you" I said holding my hand out, but instead was greeted with a hug from Katrina.

"Oh so young darling" she pulled away from the hug.

Kyle and his dad talked while I talked with Logan. She is very sweet and cannot wait to be an aunt or as she put it, auntie Logie. That is her nickname.

Everyone chatted and introduced each other, and ate. It was finally time to reveal the gender of our baby to our families. I scanned the room and noticed James never showed. Kyle and I stood at the front of the living room with a black jumbo balloon that was filled with blue confetti. We wore our black outfits as everyone counted down from 3. On zero we popped the balloon and the blue confetti showered us. A picture of us was captured. Even though we already knew, it felt like we found out for the first time.

"It's a boy! I knew it" Kyle's dad shouted.

Logan looked disappointed, but a smile went back to her face.

"Congrats sweetie. A little boy" my mom gave me a kiss, "I wish your father was here" she frowned.

"Me too. Will you tell him? And show him the pictures? Maybe he'll change his mind" I shrugged.

"Maybe..." she didn't sound hopeful at all.

Everyone left, and Gary and Kyle cleaned up while Kyle's mom and I talked about the baby.

Later that night, Kyle went out again. I sat on the couch and watched tv while holding one of the onesies he had boughten. It's so surreal that my little boy will be here in a few months.

A/N: FINALLY AN UPDATE. When I was supposed to update this half of the chapter never saved and I basically had to start all over again which really pissed me off. But whatever, ITS A BOY? Name suggestions anyone?

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