Chapter 30

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(19/ 20 weeks pregnant)

Kyle never kept his promise. He still goes out for long periods of time and doesn't return at times. Over the past 2 weeks, he's eaten dinner with us once.

I usually help his mom prepare dinner for 4, and we eat as 3. His parents adopted me into the family almost. I call them mom and dad.

I lay in bed that night rubbing my stomach. I haven't realized how big nugget has gotten. I got on my phone and looked up some pregnancy charts. I looked up the 19 weeks pregnant parts even though I'll be 20 weeks tomorrow. I have my doctors appointment, and I get to find out what Nugget is going to be. I can't believe I'll be halfway through.

I eventually drifted off to sleep.

At around 1 am Kyle stumbled into the room and flopped onto the bed. He was loud enough to wake me.

"Kyle" I groaned as I turned over to face him. "We have our appointment tomorrow."

"I know" he sighed.

"Good night" I rolled back over. His silence assured me that he had fallen asleep.

The next morning, I woke early to go ale a shower and pick out a cute outfit to wear. Today was kinda la big day for me. I get to find out if I'm having a girl or a boy. I'm wishing for a girl, so we can dress alike. Kyle hasn't voiced an opinion because he's never around.

By the time I was ready, Kyle was just starting to wake up. He took his shower and got dressed and grabbed the keys to his car and we left.

We got to the office and signed in and Darcy took us right away.

"Good morning" she got the room ready for us.

"Good morning" I replied back. Kyle stayed silent. He was most likely exhausted.

"Ready to find out the gender of your baby?" She asked as I lay down on the bed and lift my shirt.

"I am" Kyle finally spoke. He sat in the chair next to bed facing the screen. He grabbed my hand and gave it a light kiss.

I was really shocked. This is the first time he showed some affection towards me in a while. It felt good.

Darcy placed the cold gel on my stomach. We could here the heart beat thumping through the speakers. "Ok, the baby is the size of a banana. You ready to find out the gender?" She asked.

Kyle and both looked at each other and smiled, at the same time we both replied, "yes"

"All righty. Vienna and Kyle you are having a..."

A/N- CLIFF HANGER. WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY'LL BE HAVING? Comment what you think. Don't forget to vote! I'm feeling a little generous this weekend and updating twice!

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