Chapter 16

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Later that night i called Kyle to tell him my decision.

"Hey Kyle, it's Vienna" I said casually.

"What's up?" He voice perked up a bit.

"Well um...I made my prom decision" I said trying to sound happy.

"And?" He asked, he was getting anxious.

"Well I decided I am going with James"

"Oh, that's great" he said disappointedly

After talking for a while more, we hung up and I went to bed.

I felt bad about the whole situation. I wish I could just go with both of them, but I had to choose.


The next morning James picked me up for school and dropped me off. After school, we were going to pick up his prom stuff.

The day went by really slowly. I just wish it would end.

Lunch finally rolled around, and I know Kyle might not say anything. Audrey will blab everyone's ears off and Mckenzie and I will be trying to do homework.

Kyle came and sat down with his lunch and I took a glance at him. He looked kinda rough. His hair wasn't done nicely like it usually is.

"Hey, I'm sorry about last night" I said quietly and reassuringly

"Sorry about what?" Audrey piped in.

He shook his head and said "nothing, what are your plans for next Friday?" He looks at her.

She was thinking really hard when her eyes lit up "well prom is next Friday" she got all giggly.

I rolled my eyes, here comes operation flirt.

"Do you have a date?" He smirked.

He was trying to make me jealous. I could tell, that is such a him sort of thing to do. Audrey is just happy someone is giving her attention.

"I do not" she was still giggling and twirling her hair.

Audrey sat between me and Mckenzie, and Kyle on the opposite side of the table. I leaned back and looked at Mckenzie who was already waiting for me to look back. She rolled her eyes and made a gagging expression. I laughed and then we returned to our work.

"Neither do I as a matter of fact. Want to go with me?" He grabbed both of her hands.

Whatever Kyle was trying to do, wether he was trying to make me jealous, it was working. I felt jealous, I should though shouldn't I? After all I have kissed him before.

"OF COURSE!" Audrey squealed, knocking me out of my thoughts. "Yes, I will"

Finally lunch was over, thank God. I headed to my class and hopefully get the day over with quickly. I needed to get out of here.

It was the end of the day and now I waited for James to pick me up.

I waited ten minutes before he pulled up.

"Sorry I'm late, I lost track of time" he said rolling the window down.

"It's fine, what ever. Ready to pick out your stuff?" I asked getting into the car.

"You bet your booty" he put his hand on my thigh and squeezed it lightly, and then drove off.


We got to the tuxedo place and checked in for our appointment.

The clerk at the store pulled out a whole binder of color swatches. Ranging from paper white, to midnight black.

We went to the blue section and found a bunch of shades that could potentially match my light blue dress. Luckily I had a picture of my dress handy to look.

While looking through we found about 5 similar shades. The man took our swatches and went to the back to find matching tux vests for him to try on.

The first two weren't very good in color compared to my dress. He tried them all on and the third sample was the best matching.

"What do you think?" He twirled like a princess and batted his eyes.

"Beautiful" I laughed.

We went to the desk and ordered a pick up for next Wednesday. We wanted it early.

We left the place and James drove to the supermarket so we could order our corsage and boutonnière.

"Hey I know you're upset about the Kyle thing but..."

I cut him off "I'm not upset" I folded my arms

He looked over at me "yes you are, I can tell. You're not very peppy"

"We'll try being in my shoes having two attractive guys to choose between. One way or another I'm getting hurt" I started to raise my voice.

"You're getting hurt? How do you think Kyle feels?" He was raising his voice.

"Well if I chose him, you would've been hurt too"

"Well it wouldn't have been the first time you broke my heart" he said rudely. He focused back on his driving.

That made me feel bad. I felt tears build up, but quickly wiped them without him noticing. We rode the rest of the way in silence.

What the hell am I going to do? No matter what decision I make someone is getting shot down in the end.

A/N- I finally updated! What did you think? Also do you guys like shorter or longer chapters? Let me know. Also I've gotten a new idea for a book that I will be working on. I have most of it done. Do you want me to publish? Don't forget to vote and comment!

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