Chapter 20

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The next morning I had no choice to go to school. I don't normally miss, unless I'm sick.
I called Kyle for a ride and he came shortly after I called. I would ask Audrey but she lives on the complete opposite side of the school and it would be a waste.

We got to school and James was outside the doors looking for someone. Me, to be exact.

I walked up with Kyle to the front of the building and James stopped me.

"Why haven't you answered any of my calls, or texts. Where did go after prom?" He grabbed my arm.

"Because" I said quietly "and I went home" I lied.

James let go of his grip. I was on the verge of tears...again. Kyle swiftly put his arm around me and walked me in and to my locker and our first class.

I already have a feeling this day is going to be shit.


At lunch I sat down but I didn't eat I just put head my down.

Audrey came to the table moments later and patted and rubbed my back.

"I know it's tough girly, but you'll be fine" she reassured me.

Kyle sat down where he usually sits, across from us. I put my head up a bit and he gave me the apple he had.

"Here mopey, eat something" he grinned

I put my head back down "I'm not hungry" I barely mumbled out.

A few minutes later, I felt a huge bear hug from behind. I sat up to realize that bear hug belonged to James.

"Listen we need to talk" he straddled the bench we were on.

"You're not supposed to be here" I turned the other way.

"I just want to know what's up. You're ignoring me and I don't know why" he put his head next to my ear.

I had a few tears roll down, but no more than that. I sat up and wiped my tears. James finished wiping the rest with his thumbs.

"What's wrong Wildflower?" He quietly Asked. It's been a long time since he's called me that.

"Nothing" I shook my head.

"It's not nothing, you're crying, and ignoring me. Be honest, please" he took my hands into his and rested them in his lap.

"Fine" I rolled my eyes. I caught a glimpse of Kyle's feared face in the corner of my eye "well when you asked me to get punch I saw that girl Gen, dancing with you, and you danced right back. And you know what I mean by dancing" I had a stern glare on him.

His eyes lowered to the ground, not denying anything.

"Exactly" I grabbed my books and stormed out. He chased after me, and captured me into another hug.

"Don't leave me, not again. Please" he buried  his face into the crook of my neck.

"I can't promise anything. Especially if you're going to pull shit like that" I struggled out of his grasp. "Once you can be loyal again, then you can have me. But right now, we are just friends. Got it?" I snapped.

"How do I prove myself to be yours again?" He got on to his knees as if he were pleading for me to come back.

"For starters," I started to think "you'll buy me dinner tonight. Nothing fancy, it'll make up for today" I started walking away.

"See you at five" he shouted down the hallway.


I was sitting on my couch watching tv when the knock came at my door. I looked at the clock and it was 5 sharp.

I opened the door and James stood on the doorstep with McDonalds bags. I went to grab one of the bags and he pulled them away.

"We either eat together, or you get nothing" he smiled.

"Fine" I rolled my eyes and let him in.

He headed straight for the table and started taking all the food out of the bags.

We ate there in silence for while before James started talking.

"You know I still love you right?" He swallowed some food.

"I don't" I took a sip form my large soda.

"You don't what? Love me? Or believe me?" I he looked over at me.

"Both" I quietly said looking over to him. "Well it's not that I don't love you, I do. I just don't feel the same connection we had" I honestly stated.

"So much has changed" he took another bite of his Big Mac.

"Yup" I grabbed a handful of fries and shoved them in my mouth. James started to laugh.

"What?" I smiled back.

"I missed that" he scooted his chair closer to me. "When you shove all that food in"

I looked over at him and leaned in to kiss him. Maybe I did still love him? He started to kiss me back and pulled me in. He gently picked me up, and carried me all the way up to my room, barely breaking this kiss.

Here we go again, another antic to make me confused as hell. But this time I didn't mind. I decided to take it a little bit further, but not as far as hooking up though.

A/N- Half way to 1k reads I'm so thankful for all of you who read and vote!! Also I forgot an a/n at the end of the last chapter. Oops. So what do you think? If you like it, don't forget to vote, also comment! I like reading what y'all have to say. I normally respond back too! So if you have an questions let me know! Thanks for reading!

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